Which famous woman would you consider stunning?
Which famous woman would you consider stunning?
Only Wahhabism preaches that women should cover the faces in mixed companies.
Should they stop? Should they stop trying to convince other men that egalitarianism is actually desirable?
You tell an awful lot of people to “educate themselves” for someone so ignorant. Apparently Saudis and other adherents of Islamism can’t live in the US and Europe.
But I do have friends who choose to cover out of their own volition, and as an act of piety towards God.
The women on 19 kids and counting also turn themselves into nothing but walking incubators by “choice”. But most sane people would agree that “choice” in that context means brainwashing by a misogynistic cult.
What religion? Wahhabism? It’s more of a (dangerous) political ideology than a religion.
Women who wear burqas are already told what to wear by their fathers, brothers, sons. So does that really make a difference?
They also forget the fact that even some Muslim-majority countries ban/discourage burqas because they are nothing but a sign of adherence to the Wahhabi ideology.
Those religious communities are extremists and should be dealt with by all means necessary.
You should keep you pretty little mouth shut and let all those well meaning men with no ulterior motive whatsoever liberate you.
Begging for this little wet bussy...
That’s a good hunty ;)
Because I’m not just sticking this bussy into any hunty’s face.
Mmmm....you’d like that wouldn’t you?
I was thinking about...um...you licking my bussy....
But he’s a bit of an idiot, isn’t he? So why do, supposedly serious, people like the WSJ let him waste column space?
Who cares about declining marriage rates?