He will be in January bitch
Well, it is the White House, Bannon feels super comfortable there.
Michelle Obama.
We ran a candidate whom everyone hates and when she lost, our response has largely been to get angry that people failed to get on board with her.
IMO the Democrats got crushed for several reasons:
Shh, we’re supposed to say the wars stopped on 1/21/2009.
Heh heh heh. Laura, nobody’s gonna call me the worst president of their lifetimes anymore! Best day ever. Heh heh heh.
I had a dream that childish twits, dramatically disturbed that they didn’t get their way, wailed in mass hysteria, adopted safety pins as their talisman to hold up their shitty drawers, and made sucking their thumbs their new pastime.
The work of white men building new worlds based on their craziest dreams continues
Let’s generalize about an entire group of people, there’s no problem with that
500 Days of Chad Michael Murray 500 Days of Chad Michael Murray 500 Days of Chad Michael Murray 500 Days of Chad Michael Murray 500 Days of Chad Michael Murray 500 Days of Chad Michael Murray 500 Days of Chad Michael Murray 500 Days of Chad Michael Murray 500 Days of Chad Michael Murray 500 Days of Chad Michael Murray…
Taking its aesthetic cues from ‘60s cinema and its politics from contemporary notions of female glamor, narcissism, and feminism
Disagree. His tweets need to be posted on billboards next to major highways so that Trump voters are reminded daily on the way to work and back just what they have fucking done.
Her age progression photos will be interesting.
Kellyanne Conway - Secretary of Babysitting.
Perhaps, instead of protesting on the Boston Common- perhaps the bluest of the deep blue parks in the country, an echo chamber if there ever was one- your wife should drive up to Chelsea (no, not Admiral Hill, but Chelsea) or Lynn, and volunteer at a homeless or battered women’s shelter for poor immigrants. They are…