Nicole Watterson

Letting the majority dictate the rights of minorities rarely leads to progress.

She was 13 when she was trafficked. She remained captive for 2 years. With her being 15 now, basic math dictates that she would have had months, if that, to process a horrific, traumatic ordeal. I am miles away from that line.

Oh, excuse me for expecting politicians to do the right thing even when it’s not popular!

Oh, I know that she’s not the only one guilty in that regard. I have the same criticism of Obama and every other cowardly politician, and that cowardice is a part of the problem.

I hope I am wrong concerning her motivations, but I doubt it.

Just look at her LGBT track record - when support for same-sex marriage meant losing out on a lot of voters, she was staunchly against it. A few years later when supporting LGBT rights became mainstream, she’s an ardent warrior for our cause. I’m not buying her bullshit.

In the eyes of the court (those which really matter) it may change the verdict, but it certainly doesn’t change it in mine.

Awww, thank you :D

I don’t give a flying fuck about the dignity of such a man - I’m just holding up a mirror to your holier-than-thou self-righteousness. If executing someone is barbaric, then locking them behind bars like zoo animals must be dignified and moral.

People with special needs don’t need to be coddled. If they commit a crime worthy of the death penalty (which the vast majority of people with mental disabilities manage not to do) then too fucking bad for them...

I suppose we’re never gonna agree on HRC, but I’ll try to clarify my opinion.

I stand corrected then.

If I were an American, I would either not vote at all or vote for Jill Stein, but I understand why people would vote for the lesser evil and I have no problem with that.

I know, right? For us mere mortals finding that perfect pair of pants is a struggle, but they could have it so easy, yet squander the opportunity...

Separate, but equal? Fuck off...

As opposed to just locking them behind bars which is oh so dignified and moral...

Who gives a fuck?

Join the club :D

I for one suspect fowl play...

I know, right? As a gay man, I cannot forget her stance on LGBT rights. When it wasn’t in her favor to support same-sex marriage, she was against it, yet now claims to be the ardent defender of LGBT people.