Okay so,
Okay so,
There’s a German expression that goes Gut Ding will Weile haben. It means ‘good things take time’. I much prefer it to the English ‘good things come to those who wait’, which implies passivity will be rewarded; the German makes it clear that time has to be positively invested for a good thing to come about.
It’s just a joke (that makes Nazis comfortable in our midst (we being mostly white boys between the ages of 11 and 21), emboldening the Nazis to express their prejudice ever more directly and sincerely)! What’s the problem with that???
You have clearly mastered the art of using time well, oh internet commenter.
Kojima sure has a knack for getting people who have no interest in his creations to react to his creations. This looks amazing, count me in.
This thing all things devours;
Birds, beasts, trees, flowers;
Gnaws iron, bites steel;
Grinds hard stones to meal;
Slays king, ruins town,
And beats mountain down.
The idea that young people will never be interested in politics or motivated to vote is exactly the ephemeral problem posed as eternal truth that has led to a debased coddling of landlords and pensioners over any investment in the future.
In Groningen in the Netherlands, the paving of the road outside the (disused) synagogue is studded with ~30 copper plates showing a moon waxing and waning through a full cycle. It represents the average period of a month it took for each Dutch Jew to be identified, detained and deported to the camps. The Holocaust was…
If knowing nothing about pop culture before you consume it is a crucial part of how you enjoy yourself, and losing that pristine ignorance is something that makes you, an adult human, lose your shit, then ***SPOILER*** your priorities need some attention.
I don’t think any game devs want to get saddled with Yaddle. The lack of backstory allowed is a hell of a fence to straddle, somewhat akin to being up shit creek on the fifth level of development hell without a paddle. I mean, is she even a mammal? These and other questions are clearly best not unravelled. Indeed, in…
Are we gonna get a classic Jason Schreier exposé on how the hell this happened though?
She wouldn’t have been raped had she not walked down that alleyway, worn that miniskirt, spat at that catcaller, so really, how can we absolve her of all blame?
And yet the USA continues to act as if money were the solution to all life’s problems. Almost as if their feelings didn’t care about facts.
This is character. This is what is conspicuously absent from every frame of Fallen Order’s trailer. We’re not judging the hard work of the game designers because none of that has been exhibited yet. This trailer focused exclusively on story, and every single beat was eye-rollingly bland, and yeah, people are pointing…
The blandness is strong with this one.
this is why it’s worth scrolling kinja
Corporate lawyers must really hate their pointless lives.
Will Wordpress templates for personal websites be coming in a future update though.
There will still be videogames after capitalism. The only difference is that all the freelance Sims will have equitable, unlimited contracts in place.
Skyrim as a big-talking 6'6" blond weightlifter with a throbbing erection who cums a pitiful amount as soon as you take it in your hand and then rolls over, goes to sleep, and snores loudly for the next *checks year* eight years is probably the best analogy I’ve contemplated in a while.