
*shakes walking stick*

Danelaw Britain, Cnut’s North Sea Empire and the Frankish conquest all spring to mind as utilising pretty similar assets. A Frankish assassin would give the writers loads of room to have a Europe-trotting, major-events-influencing protagonist who manages to get their DNA into particularly influential currents in the

This just in: Gamers are failing to grasp how even a single facet of capitalism works.

remember the times when there was a significant current among people who consume games journalism that thought a review should just list the technical specifications of a game and only discuss how well it runs?

...... have bioware suffered enough? Can they make kotor 3 now?

I see nothing to disagree with here

there is no way in hell the people doing this hope to get away with producing a full game


the simple fact of the matter is that heteronormative content was recycled. Ubisoft choosing to market this game as inclusive makes it doubly insulting that they now relegate non-heteronormative players to the status of afterthought, and I think it reveals the material opportunism that was the real reason for courting

failed game from a failing brand ruined by a failure of an acquisition

Well I’m no authority on this topic but it seems to me that successful looter shooters are a CEO’s wet dream: derivative (i.e. cheap) gameplay loops, addicting mechanics, endless microtransation potential, power creep continually and lazily solved through pumping ever more hitpoints into the bosses of the next paid

I think people would be much more open-minded about devs like BioWare pivoting to different styles of games if the pivots weren’t always towards Whatever The Fuck Is Hot Right Now and always suspiciously shortly after Massive Deathcorp acquired them and all the notable talent fled the studio. You’re kind of ignoring

congrats to everyone who constantly wished for multiplayer bgs games, you got them to waste half a decade on this garbage, plus you fucked up the elder scrolls with a boring mmo and thus delayed the tes 6 release by, hm *checks watch* years

fuck gamers

fable 2 was the best fable

I like this content a lot

the sex and race of a character can have huge ramifications for the player’s enjoyment of the game, and white boys’ screeching ignorance of that simple fact of human existence is, to the total exasperation of anyone with a shred of empathy, a blight upon the medium of games

we all remember how much Pillars of Eternity benefitted from those wonderful, aesthetically coherent backer NPCs sprinkled tastefully throughout its world, right?