Holy fucking shit. The truth right there
Holy fucking shit. The truth right there
Dear South Korea, Mexico won’t be grateful forever. They still haven’t paid for our wall after we beat Panama in 2013.
Politics these days is about who can troll the hardest. This is a pretty good one.
Those German’s just don’t do well anywhere on the Volga river.
Jesus, you drive your car into one crowd and kill ONE person and you’re charged with a hate crime. The Intolerant Left strikes again!
How long until the MSM makes this into another discourse about “civility” or some similar bullshit?
What’s the difference between me and Jimmy Fallon?
That’s not the Confederate flag. This is the Confederate flag:
Listen, everyone knows the Civil War was about them gheyz rights!
I’m sure just being civil with these people will get them to see the error of their ways, start trusting in factual information, and stop being racist pieces of shit.
lol - “Did not watch, but he definitely did it”
Trump, like a true tyrant, is said to have a paranoia about food poisoning.
Maybe you should call Stephen and ask him?
It’s spit, if you’re lucky.
As I said elsewhere, if your waited is named Alfredo, you don't want the special Alfredo sauce.
Does this look like spit to you?
I find no fault with this logic.
I’ve said that Murica has always been shitty, but had a great PR department.