Ned Snark

I worked as a chemist in the plastics industry for 12 years and let me tell all you fine folks something. ALL plastics leech. Meaning they slowly breakdown and can mix with whatever liquid or food they are carrying. Some formulas do it more than others. But in the time I was in the lab, I never saw an exception to

The worst thing about this is trump probably has no idea what the paris agreement is or supposed to do. He just knows that an uppity black guy agreed to it. For that reason, he must undo it.


But if he did throw out the first pitch, he would do a fantastic job. It would be a fastball clocking at 103 just touching the lower left corner of the strike zone. It would surely break all kinds of records.

We are are all just one serious illness away from total financial ruin.  

So far the Dems have been proving trump right at every turn. He has been calling their bluffs and winning. For all the Dems’ threats of subpoenas, impeachment inquiries and testimonies. They haven’t done shit, and I see no signs of them taking any substantive action anytime soon.  Who knew that simply stonewalling

Texan here and a voter in Gina’s district. I voted for her in the general but I found her candidacy to be lacking in specific ideas to solve the problems like healthcare, climate change. She often spoke in vague platitudes and usually quickly shifted the conversation to her ethnicity and her mom. It’s great that

You hear that swing voters?  She is doing this all for you.  I’ll just go fuck myself.

*scrolls to the top*
Nope, this isn’t The Onion.

I love that these reps are taking time to go out there and see firsthand the horrors going on at these places. Meanwhile, my congressman, Will Hurd, cannot be bothered to go himself to see the terrible human toll these places have exacted on people. This is where Will Hurd’s district is, btw.

And the chances of it being found by some other form of intelligent life are so infinitely small, that once we have died out, no one else will ever know we existed.

Can they also get rid of the audience too?

This is by design.  The whole system exists to take in as much in premiums as possible and pay out as little as possible.

Can we just dox everyone of these motherfuckers?

I shuddered when I read your comment because I worry we are already there and it will get much worse than this. We have a massive well funded right wing propaganda machine that has consumed a significant portion of the electorate and has managed to infiltrate every level of our government. We have monied special

Cruelty is the point. It has nothing to do with the law or funding. I live about a 2 hour drive from the border and the CBP agents that I have met are absolutely the worst human beings on the face of the earth. They are racist psychopathic assholes who enjoy inflicting pain on others, much like city cops but way

How is your child going to be able to react to a line drive when you have his back turned towards the field? Also, you are obviously sitting in outfield seats.

Florida State Criminoles

If only she was as afraid of pissing off democrats as much as she is afraid of pissing off republicans.