Ned Snark

1982 in the Falkand Islands. Argentina was frauds then as well. 

Listen, if you insist on calling it Medicare for All and not single payer, I’m going to have to vote for the Republicans, okay? 

“Hey, I just met you and this is crazy, but here’s my number, so call me maybe”

Good. Fuck these people.

There are plenty of dating apps for them: bootlckr, grovlr, synikal, gaslitr...

The GOP held a SCOTUS seat hostage for a year. But let’s worry about decorum.

“I oppose gun regulation because I think most of the people pushing it are lying when they say they respect gun rights.”

Like a country of 300 million getting punted by a country of less than 5, from qualifying.

they need to hide some Germans on their team

Indefinite detention for a class B misdemeanor. All for lack of a little paperwork.


Excuse me waitress?

Ah, handmade tortillas lovingly warmed between the buttcheeks. Just like mom used to make. 

I can’t even say anything but the USA is diseased. There’s a rotten cancer right at the heart, and it’s spread all over the country, infecting the citizens with the same rotten mass. It doesn’t matter where they came from, or if they entered illegally, they’re human beings and don’t deserve to be treated like that.

The GOP constantly harped on Islamic radicalization. Any of those same assholes wonder what this monstrous evil is going to (understandably) lead to?

You know Splinter’s done good when it brings back dormant Hogan era accounts that haven’t commented in over a year. Kudos, Splinter. You’ll catch no shit from me tonight, doing the lord’s work riling up the alt-right hornets’ nest.

Oh please. That’s preposterous. How can he have a secret weekend job when he spends all of his time on the weekends having sex with dead goats.

Eyeing an entrance and an exit at the same time is her mutant super power.

“The Final Solution”-Adolf Hitler, 1941

It’s not doxxing.