Ned Snark

LOL @ all the white knights riding in to defend poor Stephen Miller from harassment.

This is doxxing for babies.

Some people say he looked better thirty years ago. But wait till you see him in 2048.

I drink like a fish and don’t really take care of myself. I hope when I get older I don’t look like Stephen Miller.

Why does the Trump administration hate free market capitalism?

“Not fighting back was the best choice I ever made. At least I have the moral high ground,” said the man as he was led to, what he was told, was going to be a nice long shower.  

“Won’t somebody please think of the racist white dude in a position of power!”

My taxes pay this Miller motherfucker’s salary.

Oh man, I am going to send him so many dick pics

Doxxing? Fuck that. Public Sector employees have an obligation to answer to, and be available to, the public they serve. I really don’t see the issue with providing the tax-paying public access to a phone number that is, in all likelihood, paid for by tax dollars.

“oh noes let’s not dox the nazi”

An actual opinion you fucking idiots feel the need to share.

Someone ask him where the bodies are buried.

Won’t someone think of the nazis?

More disgusting: you have fucked up standards. Doxxing someone is not the equivalent of stealing their children and putting them in cages.

I think it would be terrible if people started calling all of his family members as well:

Counter Point: Fuck him and fuck your liquid shits take.

Big words coming from an Islanders fan.

Why won’t Congress and the President investigate the rumor that I just started that Stephen Miller is eating some of these babies? That, since college, he has frequently enjoyed the taste of Latino baby flesh? #lockhimup #buthiscannibalism #theyhavefakenewsihavefakenews

Or Russian.