Ned Snark

Thanks! It turns out in the course of this investigation, we have found evidence of many other crimes in connection with the 2016 presidential election that the entire US intelligence community assessed was influenced by the Russian government. We have had to widen the scope of the investigation and extend the time

You: Polling shows people are tired of this investigation.

I don’t give a fuck what the polling says, as if that determines the course of a federal investigation. It never has and never fucking will.  Bro.

Let’s shut down this investigation, boys. Some anonymous troll on kinja is tired of hearing about it.

Also consolidation.  For as much as these corporate overlords love to wax on about free markets and competition and consumer choice.  They hate competition, and do their very best at all levels of government to lobby for anti-competitive legislation and rolling back regulations that protect consumers.

But Hammy, these are just hard working people. We are punishing them for being successful.  How will they create jobs for us if we don’t give them a break?  /s

Competition is an illusion.  This is more like collusion.  

I get depressed just shopping there, which is rare. I can’t imagine having to work there.

Are you saying that he isn’t?  We don’t know for sure that he isn’t doing that.  I heard that he is.  That’s what people are saying.  

Once again, it’s the Democrats who must be the keepers of the center. The republicans are allowed to do and say all sorts of crazy shit to appeal to their base, and it is up to the democrats to find some way to appease them so as not to anger them. Republicans didn’t get where they are by running close to the center.

Thanks! I think I will.

Good to know that wearing and calling it a “fanny pack” gets someone the same amount of ridicule over there as it does here.

Well, I didn’t mention that the DCCC was actively campaigning against him in the runoff. Now we have a republican running against a tragically centrist democrat who is so scared of taking a definitive liberal position on anything. This is a district in which Hillary won, and the republican won the seat by less than 2

We had a democrat a lot like her running down here in a swing district in Texas named Rick Trevino.  He was great.  I hope he runs again somewhere.  

I am encouraged by this, but I fear the US military industrial complex will do everything it can to ensure the status quo remains in Mexico. We’ve seen it over and over again in south and central america with covert efforts to subvert the efforts of the people to truly govern themselves.

Every day is a struggle to keep my parents from going down the batshit right wing fox news rabbit hole.  Being the family IT POC for all things tech, I have both of their FB passwords and have been moderating their feeds for quite some time unbeknownst to them.  Extreme times call for extreme measures.  

Port Jervis looks like a lovely place to live.  Not even being sarcastic, it looks quaint and peaceful.

The ACA spent a year in committee in both houses, and republicans were allowed to contribute many amendments, many of which made into the bill as passed. There were no surprise late night votes, no secret committee hearings.  It was all done transparently.  They made every attempt to act in good faith.  All that

It’s always on the democrats, and democrats only, to act in good will, to give benefit of the doubt, to weigh all pros and cons, in other words to be reasonable.  But no one expects republicans to be the same, they just carry on being batshit as usual, and no one holds them to any sort of expectations.  

It’s surprising to hear about him eating such coastal elitist food.