Hey, it’s just a few bad apples. But why do they keep hiring bad apples?
Hey, it’s just a few bad apples. But why do they keep hiring bad apples?
I think that’s the reason why the job attracts mostly douche nozzles, so they can play dress up army soldier.
Idk, I think Beau Titsworth might be peaking at the right time.
Agreed, good bbq doesn’t need sauce.
The police chief is tip toeing around these acts not want to to call this terrorism. But make no mistake, this is terrorism. Theses acts are terroristic, regardless of his motives. No one will want to call him a terrorist because he is white and christian.
The answer to that question is yes.
A lot of them looked like they’d rather be somewhere else. Check out Springer.
She thinks being born rich is some sort of accomplishment.
Bill Maher is a comedian on HBO, an entertainment network. Chris Cillizza is supposed to be a journalist working for a news network. Can you tell the difference?
Killing brown people.
Because 30 years ago, Ronald Reagan convinced half the country that the government is evil. The only way anything can work is by privatizing it. The free market and competition will solve everything. And many people who identify as Republicans continue to go along with it, even though they know in the back of their…
Another person who thinks being born rich is some sort of accomplishment and qualifies her to be an expert on something.
So he will be working at Buzzfeed.
Hey, even a broken clock is still right twice a day. Regardless of your opinion of Bill Maher, he makes a good point. Also he isn’t a journalist, and HBO is in fact an entertainment platform, as opposed to CNN which is a news organization. That is the problem, you can’t tell the difference.
To sum up O’Brien’s criticism. Chris Cillizza is nothing but a hack posing as a journalist.
And she’s absolutely right. Cillizza’s piece caters to all those who see politics as if it is some spectator sport where it’s my team against yours, as if it is entertainment news, and not something where the choices we make have real consequences that affect the majority of us. I think this has become a problem with…
It’s great in Texas to see such increased Democratic turnout for a primary, but at the end of the day, Republicans still cast over half a million more primary votes than Democrats. The grip they have on this state is seemingly endless. It’s going to be tough.
The fact that he wants a gun so badly should be reason enough for him not to own one.
I gotcha
Hey, not only am I going to defy a federal subpoena, but I am going to go on cable news and go on record with my intentions to defy a federal subpoena. It’s a bold strategy, Cotton.