Ned Snark

Just more proof that republicans lack any sense of sympathy whatsoever.

Trump’s decision making process.

These statues are of no artistic value, they were the mass produced confederate commemorative plates of their day.

“object of remembrance”

And also, Spaniards from Spain wouldn’t refer to themselves as such. They would be Castillean, or Andalucian, or Galicean. They typically more closely identify with their region of Spain.

Also, doesn’t apple pay rely on touch ID? It would be odd if Apple spent all this money on building this payment system that relies on user’s unique fingerprints only to get rid of it.

These are the people who become cops. Power hungry, trigger happy, insecure man children who are otherwise unemployable anywhere else. Hey, let’s give these guys guns, virtually unlimited power, and zero accountability. It seemed like a good idea.

I say this all the time, and it pisses off my republican friends, but republicans are not capable of sympathy, it shows over and over again by who they elect into office.

Texan here. Ted Cruz is a borderline sociopathic pathetic excuse for a human being. There is only one person that he truly cares about, and that is himself.

but their speech is still protected

There’s always at least one fatty trying to stuff himself into body armor thinking he’s army delta. The groups are quick to call out BLM as the violent side, but who are the ones that are carrying assault rifles with them to what are supposed to be peaceful protests?

Agreed, my bullshit detector is going off right now, just wait a few days this will be proven fake.

He doesnt care about free speech, which doesn’t really apply here anyway. The government has made no law saying these nazi fucks can’t be on the internet. This is the market deciding what’s good for business and what isn’t. If Cloudflare decides it doesnt want to do business with them, that’s their choice, and it is

Haha, brother CEO, classic debate cop out, the appeal to authority. Good one. 30 million is still a hard number, that you can’t dispute. I don’t need to defend the ACA really, it’s the law. Go to Canada if you don’t like it.

I fully understand that it’s not perfect, I never claimed that it was. I am sure that it negatively affected some people, but don’t all laws have negative unintended consequences? The main goal was never to lower premiums, because as the article stated, no matter what laws are on the books, premiums will always go

Employers had 4 years to prepare, that was the point of delaying when the law would go into effect. It baffles me that a company would wait until a “couple of months” before the law goes into effect to start planning. HR departments typically plan at least a year to 18 months in advance for health insurance. I

Bravo. Came here to say this.

Your statement is full of contradictions. The ACA was passed in 2010, but didn’t fully go into effect until 2014.

Yeah, I see what you are saying. Just say, we’re all spanish if you go back far enough. :)