Ned Snark

Yes, Hispanics claiming their ancestors only come from Spain is a big red flag.

Do you have that link by any chance? I’d like to see it. I believe it by the way, I know of some pretty racist Hispanics. Yes they exist.

All cable news is just shouting matches. People trying to talk over one another. Sitting on the pot is a time of peace and reflection for me, I wouldn’t ruin it with cable news.

Now playing

I loved this aircraft as a kid, still my fave. It was also prominently featured in the movie The Final Countdown, a movie about a modern Nimitz class carrier that goes through a time warp and ends up at dec 6 1941, right before the Pearl Harbor attack.

In the words of my people, “Fuck that puto”

Does this guy’s employer know that he’s a nazi?

The way communism was theorized by Marx was as an end to feudal society where generational aristocratic nobility held all the money and power, and working class had none. He envisioned a society where all wealth and therefore, political influence would not be concentrated with any group of people but with all the

I heard she is carrying bannon’s nazi spawn within her.

Melt those fuckers down.

I think local and state leaders are realizing that as long as they have one of these up in there city, they are inviting white nationalists to come in and incite violence.

California is arguably the most beautiful state in the country

The cities in Texas are quite liberal, but because of gerrymandering, they get sliced up to reduce their voting power.

Texas Liberal here. We are trying, but damn, Texas is a huge fucking state, and even with our big liberal cities, it is ripe for some very creative district maps where wide expanses of sparsely populated regions full of bible-thumping self-righteous conservatives can turn out in significant numbers. and vote

Nah, let’s bring down all the confederate monuments, and start to treat the civil war for stupid mistake it was that lead to the deaths of over 600K Americans and our failure to reconcile that lead to the continued oppression of black people to this day. The civil war is not something to be proud of and build

I was here to read it. #blessed

To add insult to injury, show them some good old fashioned single payer healthcare afterwards.

The youtube commentariat is a sad collection of mediocre white males convinced of their own superiority, who hate women because of their inability to interact normally with them in public.

Looking at youtube comments for any video is always a mistake.

I wonder if the mayor is secretly relieved that they don’t have to confront this issue head on with this particular statue now. They can just say it will be fixed and postpone it indefinitely. Politically, it’s the easy way out.