Ned Snark

Back when my wife and I were dating, she drove a pontiac aztec, which she says she still misses. I think more out of sentimentality than anything else, because that car SUUUUUUCKED! I never had the heart to tell her what a shitbox it was, still don’t. Eventually it broke down and wasn’t worth the cost to fix, so it

Probably the most accurate part of this piece. Brilliant.

I always liked the GTA version

Where the hell are the Democrats?! I should be seeing them on the cable news constantly pushing talking points, and repeating their messages on every available public platform. I sometimes wonder if they even care anymore.

What also sucks is some other small town department will pick them up, and they’ll be back on the streets in no time.

They were hiding something, 1 million dollars apparently.

Cabrera disrespected the game by outwardly displaying joy upon helping his team win, and in doing that, he hurt the feelings of the other team.

Jovita Gonzalez, especially her book Dew on the Thorn. A teacher told me about this book in college, and it has stuck with me ever since. Being Hispanic and from South Texas, it is often assumed that my parents are from Mexico (they are American-born, and so are my grandparents and great grandparents). In fact, I

And at the end of the day, this will mean fuck all, because these assholes seem to be immune to consequences.

A lot of these American-born kids of undocumented immigrants who see their parents forcefully taken away like this will all eventually grow up and become voters. I can’t imagine they’ll easily forget the people responsible for such harsh policies. I hope their parents are stressing to them now the importance of

We also apologize for putting Kendall Jenner in this position.

True, I guess the two aren’t mutually exclusive.

OK, I don’t believe she was motivated by race, but rather sheer incompetence. Incompetence on a level that is downright frightening when you think that she was given a firearm and charged with protecting the public. Also, saying she was doing the best she could is of little consolation. Had she been doing her best,

These are the long lasting repercussions of Reagan style trickle down economics. It was a stupid fucking idea 30 years ago, and is still a stupid fucking idea. It spawned an entire generation of people who are convinced that if you cut rich peoples’ taxes, they will give everyone jobs.

He looks like the southern small town mayor who is also secretly a KKK member in every movie/tv show set in the jim crow south.  

My hope is that many republicans in congress won’t be eager to repeat this embarrassment anytime soon. While repeal might remain part of the rhetoric, any actual repeal bills will hopefully die a quiet death on the back burner.

Oh I don’t know, maybe it was your “honest” yet condescending and ridiculous suggestion that she raise the child of a rapist and think that will somehow give solace to a person who was a victim of a violent act that will have lifelong traumatic effects.  

I believe he pronounces it as “twucks”

I don’t know who disgusts me more, these assholes, or the people who keep voting them into office even if it goes against their own interests.