But you probably lost your shit if someone didn’t uncover during a yell. lol
But you probably lost your shit if someone didn’t uncover during a yell. lol
Aggie here too, and I agree with that. He’s kind of a joke who thinks he is some sort of legacy there. He used the fact that he is an Aggie to gain access to some high level political and social circles in Texas, but I’m not sure anyone ever took him seriously. I always saw him as the useful idiot that the real…
Apparently, she was a normal puppet until she received her mmr shot. Then she changed.
I thought the same thing, the connection to Göring is pretty weak. He wouldn’t want to be known for riding around in a car for the common folk much less driving in it. He had a taste for the finer things in life.
Yes, it’s rare that you hear about this kind of stuff happening at the bigger departments, even though I am sure it does happen. They also have more procedures in place, and better training. The smaller departments are usually cash-strapped, and don’t usually require any psych tests or anything like that. They…
I see what you are getting at here, but Trayvon wasn’t killed by a cop, but rather a cop wannabe with the same superiority complex as most of the cops in these videos.
Hagrid’s Nutsack
I see your point, but what’s in it for the FDA to lie to the public? They have a responsibility to protect the public from any company manufacturing poison and labeling it as “healthy” food. I can see what’s in it for “Big Food” to lie, increased profits, share price etc. I don’t fault them for that, they are trying…
He is at his most insufferable when covering the masters. Admittedly, I have watched very little masters coverage over the years, but from the little that I have watched, it is unbearable. I don’t know if it’s just in front of the camera, but he seems overly reverent for a patch of grass in Georgia that has a long…
I think tony tinderholt is a repercussion of a sexual relationship.
There are some people who just have evil in their souls and are irredeemable. This man is one of them.
What?! You mean you don’t keep an accountant on retainer so that you can itemize deductions? The republicans fail to mention that these tax credits are only useful to those who itemize on their tax returns, usually the wealthy. Most middle low income people take a standard deduction, and will probably ignore the…
Considering it’s a Tacoma, resale value probably barely took a hit.
Why wouldn’t he plead not guilty? Given the tradition of acquitting cops in this country, history is on his side.
Recommended for the term husbeast.
I wonder how many women he made orgasm by pussy grabbing alone. If I were to guess, the percentage must be in the high 100 percent.
I just started listening to that today, and it is fascinating.