Ned Snark

This will never get old

If you were a whale expert, you’d know that these aren’t whales.

and you are only allowed to main one character for the rest of your life. Which one?

His joke was actually about how racist older Latinos are; like, it was a joke about Latinos. Is that really being lost, here? He was calling out his own people’s racism.

Do you think if we go into an all out nuclear war with China that the other nuclear powers will just sit on the sidelines? We are part of NATO, which means Britain and France (two nuclear states) must come to our aid if attacked. And I don’t see Russian standing idly by while we lob ICBMs into their backyard. It will

“the fighting stays relatively contained.”

Do you think if we go into an all out nuclear war with China that the other nuclear powers will just sit on the sidelines? We are part of NATO, which means Britain and France (two nuclear states) must come to our aid if attacked. And I don’t see Russia standing idly by while we lob ICBMs into their backyard. It