Well, ok, but if I get rid of my single serve coffee machine I’m going to need to find another physical manifestation for my crippling loneliness.
Well, ok, but if I get rid of my single serve coffee machine I’m going to need to find another physical manifestation for my crippling loneliness.
Tell that to my fuckin parole officer.
Strain this hard regularly, die like Elvis.
Appropriately, she was trying to reach a half-dome.
“Sad story but I’m going to be an asshole anyway.”
I would recommend masturbating furiously.
“or compensure for shitting writing”
“Seriously, did they just zap a pound of blood out of him or something?”
Just shared this on Facebook as small sub-concussive hits happen in other sports like derby (and concussive ones too...far too many). With more juniors playing (starting at age 9 but blocking regulated by age/skill), I can see this being an issue there too....sadly.
Aw, just rub some brains on it, kid!
Great, another Irishman going on about the size of the boat.
Yeah, but only because their players are better.
Indeed, cost of ownership of a pink money hole is usually very high. Better to rent when desired.
bumper to dumper, you mean?
Wow, he had to experience for two whole years* what us plebes have to experience for our entire lives? Well, gee, you just totally changed my mind about shameless nepotism.
Real Alaskan here who eats A LOT of salmon- that’s pink salmon hair which is the crappy salmon we feed our dogs.
It was a long time ago, but when Peter Buck of REM was arrested on a flight, it was because of ambien. One of the things he tried to do was insert a CD into a beverage cart. He was clearly hallucinating, but the image of him doing this gives me the giggles. He just wanted some music!
Turned the phone horizontally?