
Its packing arguably the worst motor Toyota ever made.  The boat anchor 3.slow. If you live in a state where you can do the 3.4 swap, go for it. As much as I love the first gens I'm sticking to those with the 22RE

I hope it’s something that’s less curable.

I hope she gets an orange jumpsuit for her 40th. 

I say keep driving your old car until you have not only paid it off, but saved enough to buy your next car without borrowing. If everyone did this, at least those who don’t responsibly save money for retirement, emergency funds, and other things, people would be much better off financially. Too bad we live in such a

I paid off my 2002 Accord in 2006. It’s still my daily driver... love not having car payments. I wouldn’t hesitate to drive it across the country tomorrow.

I go into weddings expecting that the music may suck, the food may suck, the venue may suck, the seating may suck, and all of that’s fine, because none of that stuff matters when you’re getting together to celebrate friends or family getting married. But holy hell, if the wedding does not have an open bar, I will be

I didn’t even include California Formal.

I watched a college football game over the weekend on a bootleg feed my kid found in a Reddit thread (thanks Pac12 Channel that most people can’t get!) and had less issues and problems with ads and autoplay than I do on Deadspin.

Except that he was literally arrested during a civil rights protest in Chicago when he was 21.

I too knew those guys in college, but doesn’t Bernie have a very long history of activism, protesting, and organizing?

For high mileage cars I’m a definite subscriber of the “well, now I know that part will last another 20 years” mentality when replacing things.

I can only hear this in the Car Talk guys’ voices - “John Bugsy Lawler, back from the dominant, prominent, malcontent, nonevent, rubber cement, breach of trust with fraudulent intent pussy...”

Funnily enough, I could have sworn that the Armada was a low-key Francis Drake competitor.  

“This young Guerrero Jr. is a star in the making, and Canadians have adopted them as their own. I propose we find an appropriate way to honor him, and I have a few ideas.”

I've typed out like 6 different jokes but I can't bring myself to post any. This shit isn't funny. This fucker shouldn't be playing in the NFL right now making millions of dollars. He should be in jail or therapy or both. Fuck this guy.

“He did nothing wrong. He did the absolutely minimum he was required to do by law when he heard that a child was being fucked by a man in the locker room, and then never asked about it again, including when he saw that man on campus later. God, what a great man.”

It’s not Joe Pa’s fault — after spending 10,000 hours ignoring the issue, he had become so good at it as to be second nature.

Because they took a perfectly good truck and turned it into that stupid fucking thing making it no longer a perfectly good truck.

the extra wheels on 18 wheelers are for load stability not grip. ive seen trucks at boat ramps just sit there and spin their wheels until a load of people got in the bed to get those things to move. same reason the gtr and tesla can launch like sons of bitches. theyre heavy so they have damn good grip.