
I think part of that trend is that most people rarely have to change a tire anymore due to vast improvements in tire technology. I often remove wheels to perform maintenance on vehicles, but I haven't had a flat tire in years.

Oxycodone or oxyacetylene?

Gross. It looks too shiny, like Trump Jr's oily hair.

If only there was a way to identify the age of a carton on milk.

It insinuates that you’re female, which apparently means that you can’t do difficult manly things, like properly drive a car in this instance. It’s a very 2020 expression.

A harvester that sends the crabs up a conveyer and into a vat of boiling water in the back?

Did you try cleaning out the port? You might not be getting as good a connection from gunk building up and preventing full cable insertion. I've had good luck very carefully cleaning out the ports with a dental pick. Pocket lint and sawdust tend to build up in there, and it's not obvious until you start pulling it out.

So the same public transportation model, but subsidized with VC instead of tax money?

Because the increased load on the alternator from the extra electrical draw results in a 17% decrease in fuel economy. Source: My Butt

Because auto dimming headlights frequently appear as though someone is flashing their brights, so people have become desensitized to it.

Other than on a back road in the snow on a moon lit night, but that's a very limited case.

Why did you load the plywood sideways?

Now playing

Here’s a great This Old House clip about the newest in high efficiency toilet technology, complete with fake poops and the phrase rim wash:

I loved those cars. Just Kidding Kinda.

It’s really fun in a front wheel drive car in the snow, and occasionally very helpful when you get stuck going up a slick snowy hill and can't safely turn around in the road. I recommend a much lower speed version of the maneuver for that special case though.

I hope he at least peed on him after the stabbing, like a Calvin window sticker.

I got to hear all about how we're winning the trade war. Cause, you know, China is paying all that money to us. And the farmers? No, they got relief.

Right, but can't tanks run the tracks in opposite directions and spin like a top? Like a militarized German sparkle party?

Good call. If the kiddies buy all of the cool color cars up, there will be none left for us olds.

By my count, they hold 3/3 branches of the federal government. Do you not think there's a SCOTUS majority that denies climate change with their rulings?