
So if your take is that people who don't drive in the snow shouldn't buy snow tires, then you're right. Also, people who don't go outside don't need sunscreen and people with perfect vision don't need glasses. Great take.

Well, you can no longer legally drive on I-70 with your all seasons when it snows. So there is that.

Big mistake. She should avoid the Noid at all costs.

Ummm, if your retirement savings is >$10 million, it's not because you didn't buy a new $50,000 car.

Ehhhh... Most cars won't lose more value between year five and seven then you'll pay in new loan payments over that span. Cars aren't good investments in general, and any span where you're not making car payments puts you further ahead than making payments. Yes, there's increased maintenance costs, but generally

Stick to sports.

Looks like he has a rhomboid-shaped head. Which seems ironic, since he has no rhomboid muscles, because he has to spine to which to attach them. reason for it to be on the backs of people who in no way wish to participate.”

I hope she gets a case of bubonic plague for her special day.

You just have to sense the essence.

#10 Campbell's Chunky can...

Health insurance. Which obviously is not a good enough reason.

I mean, technically by the time he pulled the car into the service bay, he had already "rotated" the tires.

Oh my god, this tastes like burnt ass!

I mean, OBJ just got fined 14K for wearing pants that didn't cover his knee.

No way. Tiger totally figured out how to crush 300+ yard drives on the same clubs, and then everyone else learned from him and now they can all do it through increased skill with no equipment changes whatsoever.

He was only able to scale it because the libtards won't let our golden maned lion of a leader put a gator and snake filled moat around our border like Jesus intended.

I wouldn't want it then. It would ruin the whole 007 pricing. Plus, it's probably not valid with any other offer, and they're already giving away movie tickets with the purchase, so...

At the risk of sounding rude, you people are all idiots. Your hot take is what, that reliable cars don't exist? Toyota and Honda have some very well engineered vehicles, built with quality components. Sure, you have owners on the tails of the bell curve as far as performing maintenance. That doesn't remove the fact

He had some weird hair specialist guy sequestered in Trump Tower who has a process of tying human donor hairs onto the few rancid ones whose festering roots have not yet slipped free from their pussy mooring. Basically weaving a hair shawl like a sadistic, wet, greasy macrame. At least, that's what I remember from