
And there could be bulldozers scraping the desert bare. Right now. You don’t need to speculate. You can watch videos of it.

It worked with Kavanaugh, right? Nothing to see here. We already investigated, and there was nothing to find! But what about... Nope! We already investigated!

And here I was thinking that my new-to-me 100 series was the poor man's Land Cruiser.

I would recommend the Owyhees.

*sad trombone*

The Steelers is more like diving on the hand grenade, but if the hand grenade had landed outside of the bunker.

Sisters in law? Oh wait, you meant that as a rhetorical question.

It’s a very small point in your long post, but the Sierra's had one of the best snow years in forever last year.

Bullshit. Being praised for cooperation in an investigation after the fact did nothing to prevent boys from being molested for decades. I don't give a flying fuck how you want to rationalize this or why. Paterno knew that boys were being raped in his facility under his watch, and he did not stop it. If that was

GOAT (Goofiest Oaf of All Time)

Don’t forget the edgy fashion choices...

It’sa limit equation. You can get close enough to paying it that it's essentially covered. Because yes, you are taxed on the money to cover the taxes, so they can give a little more to cover that, which is taxable, etc.

Since Outbacks tend to blow through front CV axles from the boots being so close to the Y-pipe and getting cooked, I wonder if it might almost help to have them a little further away? 

Why did the driver not just keep going straight until he found a wide enough intersection to make a turn without getting stuck? He must have known he wasn't going to make that turn.

Is Mr Brown controlled by remote?

Not really into memes, huh?

That’s exactly why this will be the last season of Hard Knocks.

The inherent oil consumption in H4s is one thing, but 300 miles until the OIL PRESSURE LIGHT COMES ON is a whole other thing. The buyer will need to swap the motor, which luckily is super easy on those cars.

I truly enjoyed watching his oral gymnastics as he tried to casually mention that the storm has changed paths away from Alabama. He’s one of the worst liars I’ve ever seen, and I can’t stop watching him try to play coy.