Go fuck yourself. From deep down in the bottom of my very own whiteness, go fuck yourself.
Go fuck yourself. From deep down in the bottom of my very own whiteness, go fuck yourself.
La Croix. All of them, but especially pampelmousse.
The trash is already created when they create the plate. It’s born to die in a landfill. If I don’t use it, someone else will.
Eat shit, Captain Planet.
haha i should’ve put some context in there. I do a lot of wound care at work.
But that isn’t the choice. The choice *is* between cigarettes, vaping and plain air. Go with plain air.
What I’m seeing is people who are outraged by the fact that we spend all this money on wars that can’t be won, mean while our infrastructure and education systems continue to crumble.
Not as weird as an argument that doesn’t take into account replacement cost...
As others have mentioned, these batteries are designed to vent (jets of fire!) rather than actually explode.
People who do this to tail lights make me want to punch babies. I am glad, sir, that you have moved on from this foolish and irresponsible choice in aesthetics.
Ha, I did that for a while. I got a bull bar so I could add more lights to compensate. Derp.
“You better have dates and times of the juicing.”
Whatever, I still live for the hot takes from the Ohio State Lantern: this just in—Michigan sucks.
Breitbart didn’t need sources. He just made shit up. Then God killed him, proving that using sources is the better way to go.
Hahaha. And with that comment you’ve single-handedly proven the widely held belief that Trump supporters are hysterical drama queens with below average intelligence.
I mean, I dunno if Miriam-Webster was ever great (OED all the way!) but I respect this.
And while you’re at it, you get to support a right wing, anti-marijuana, pro Joe Arpaio company! Yay!
And while you’re at it, you get to support a right wing, anti-marijuana, pro Joe Arpaio company! Yay!
“Blow me dick!” - Popeye’s blue years
What a noble concept...