
#notalllatinas think he’s a great monster! Some of us think he’s a flatulant small handed impotent monster who has to wear diapers at night and cries in the shower, who only messes up facts because he never learned to read and only hates brown people because he’s never properly figured out how to tan his skin enough,

I’m just shocked he called him Cassius instead of “Toby”.

Someday they’re going to start digging around his finances to see just how much he’s worth and it’ll be glorious

After my experience with the Branch Davidians, I’m kind of turned off compound butter.

Is “guy who shoots birds at the airport” a real job? Cuz I’ve been thinking about a career change, and that sounds better than some of my other ideas.

I thought that this is what they used in Wisconsin for that.

I feel like just hearing the Jets’ inspirational locker room talks would be a recipe for guaranteed failure, so the suspicion that the Pats would purposefully try to listen makes no sense to me.

Harbor Freight tools are to be trusted in inverse proportion to the number of moving parts. Their jackstands and hammers are fine.

UPDATE: Kerry’s down from the tree.

Maybe if Cleveland changed their name to the Gamblin' Indians, people would stop giving them such a hard time.