
That’s a much kinder and gentler approach than Philly fans throwing full cans of beer.

I don't know, bro. Do they even make edible underpants in Gruden's size?

The difference here being that both parties are reporting on factual events.

I think it’s becoming more common. My large employer just started offering them ~18 years into my employment.

Transparent like Discount Tire with anti marijuana legalization lobbying? Fuck those guys.

Sigh. That’s sort of, you know, the point. Silicon Valley was making fun of cool hip tech guy culture when they coined the phrase, and I believe Mr McLevy was applying the same sarcasm with his usage of it in the headline.

You shower naked? What if baby jesus sees you?

Splitting hairs. Well done.

Why do you hate freedom clams, you goddamn commie?

That’s why we should all just preemptively burn any flag we see. For patriotism. Because they might have touched the ground. ‘Murica. 

I love how the picture shows a kid with a way larger than necessary knife randomly hacking a stick with no particular purpose. Metaphor for the Boy Scouts and males everywhere. :)

The flaw with your entire premise: Girls don’t poop.

I mean, you can already just get your weed delivered with an app instead of going to a bodega, so maybe just get some drinks and snacks sent too? Oh yeah, and razor blades. Oh dude! Toilet paper too! Oh,oh! Get Fabreze too! It stinks like entitled douche bro in here!

Like watching Netflix while you drive? :)

If you think cilantro sucks, you should get some better genetics.

You should cum-in the buns, not on the burgers.

Pro tip: Don’t put the cheese on the meat when it’s flipped. Wait until the meat is almost done cooking, then add the cheese. It ain’t rocket appliances.

They ain’t gonna drunk themselves!

Wait, the wipe standing what? What the fuck is wrong with people? Do they also sit to pee?