Is that you in the photo, or just a rando from the interwebz?
Is that you in the photo, or just a rando from the interwebz?
Roast your beets, son! Roast your beets. The flavor is so much better.
I consider that to be the “right” way to cut an avocado. I also consider this to be the “right” way to illustrate survivor bias.
The Family Feud pastiche is hilarious!
Lacroix pamplemousse is the correct answer.
Loading a dishwasher is hard, so we should load the landfill instead.
Never buy anything with moving parts from Harbor Freight.
The NFL uses Surface tablets.
Wtf do you do for work?!
I think you may have misinterpreted what the Porsche folks were saying. I think they were referring to a car, not all of their cars.
Unfortunately, the 2010 one will probably break the third time you use it. :(
This article gives me a mental image of some creepy car enthusiast with greasy hair and mirrors glued to the toes of his shoes, like a subway car dwelling perv.
“But I’d rather have my armed forces guys vaping than smoking because I’d like to see them live to old age without dying of lung cancer.”
“Non-technical vapers”
Are you calling poor white trash cheap?!