
Because, we, as clever gearheads, could easily recognize that car as a Porsche 911, and we all know that on that famous car, the fuel filler is on the front fender, not where it’s shown there.

The Trump admin is currently busy “investigtaing” the Jeffrey Epstein “suicide”

You’re thinking of the old roll-up sardine can opener. I don’t think that approach was ever used on any sort of beverage container. Attached is an image of a modern brewing company trying to “key” into the nostalgia of the “church key” cans, even going so far as to include them with the 6 pack.

I dunno what I’m going to do if/when my 2006 Scion dies.

Everyone who doesn't like compressed lossy stream shit.

Read through all the comments. So many triggered Boomers. Think I’m at a MAGA rally or something.

“Because Millennial’s were taught to hate everything that a Baby Boomer may have had anything to do with.”

And who taught them this?

I think GM’s concern is mainly about protecting the Corvette brand from dying with its customers. It has a stereotypical image as a retiree’s last sports car, much like a Lexus is an old man’s sedan of choice after a lifetime of driving the same car dressed as a Camry before they retired.

Ha. In 25 years, your kids will be putting chrome wheels on their cars and mocking their parents for their wheel choices.

Great article, and provides a lot of good examples of why the AV dreams are so overblown. There are so many edge-use cases that would completely bewilder an AV that my mind boggles to imagine a world where they would even be remotely feasible outside of a controlled-access highway. How do you program an AV to approach

Because shut up, Kyle.

It’s not manual, not brown and not a wagon.  So, there.

Funny, while I was aware some content was being lost to new competitor services, I've seen nothing whatsoever suggesting a new ad based model. Yet the author suggests it's been a deluge of articles

Ill still pay. Grandkids can watch after a full day in the sun while we cook dinner. They get quiet and keeps them all sitting on the couch together rerelaxed and they finally enjoy each other’s company. Its a joy watching them chill. And yes I have them on the kids channels.

On a GTE car, are the brake pads and rotors expected to last the entire 24hrs or are they expected to be changed during the race? 

Well if they bought the script to the 1957 movie it isn’t plagiarism, it’s a remake correct? Or a parody. Plagiarism is if you steal and try and hide it, I don’t think that’s what they did here. 

Hi, film historian, you’d be surprised, shocked, possibly disgusted by how much TV and movie content generally from the post-studio system, 70s to today, rips shit often verbatim or scene by scene from content from the 60s (70sish for TV) and prior.

“Buyer picks up, no delivery

Like new, only 26 verified miles on the odometer. No lowball offers, no trades. I KNOW WHAT I HAVE.

It seems both parties are being stubborn. The dealership is taking a stance saying they won’t be bullied. Look I get it, I worked in a dealership for 5yrs in various positions. When it comes down to it you have to take care of the customer, especially when your company & employees are at fault. They did the right