
This kids book from 1974 has a short story about a man named Ong hanging a hat on a tree and disappearing. Scared the heck out of me as a kid. 

I have an illustrated children's book with a bunch of short stories from the early 1970s. The story that scared me the most from that book was about Ong's Hat. A man named Ong goes into the forest, hangs his hat in a tree and disappears. The narrator finds the hat, hangs out on a tree and also disappears.

Gen X'er scoffing at all the Millennials here. You want truly old school? My first car had an 8-track player. And after I got bored of all the 70's classic rock 8-Tracks I inherited from my cool uncles, I invested in a cassette to 8-track adapter. And then one day, we got real crazy and put one of these cassette

”Why does my magazine have all of these ads in it? I already paid for it, this is outrageous!”

I hate to be the jaded, old Gen Xer in the room, but is this just a complaint that Millennials and younger people have? Never, I mean NEVER has there ever been no ads. Back in the days of everyone issuing an antenna for “free” over the air TV, we put up with commercial breaks every 10 to 15 minutes. No one ever said

Back in the mid-90s I opted for the George Clooney "Caeser" haircut. I thought it looked good. My gf liked it. Strangers complimented me. I've since burned all photographic evidence. *shudders with repulsion*

I-80 in Nebraska between Lincoln and Grand Island (my home town, neither grand nor an island, *snicker snicker), check out a map, straight and flat as an arrow for 90 miles. Nothing but cows and corn. But, yeah crosswinds still a problem...

“...tropical storm winds start at 39 mph.”

Story idea: Automation and pre-pay at fast food restaurants. Specifically, the needlessly high-tech soda machines and the confusing area of pre-order/self order systems.

I’m with Brian, the majority of the time I regrettably use a self checkout (usually because the store is only staffing one actual cashier and the line is huge) something inevitably goes weren’t and requires assistance. What goes wrong? Usually not the machine it interface but innocuous things. An item I grabbed had a

I propose that all marathons be slightly lengthened to 28.06 miles and from here on called Opportunities.

Prognosticating Gizmodo articles posted five years from now:

You keep saying “vanilla” when I think you mean “clean and not cluttered with unnecessary crap."

DC beat Marvel to the punch this time? Huh?

Your include the fidget cube but not the Rubik’s Cube? Your list is a sham.

While they’re at it, maybe they can make it so a post you’ve already seen, liked and commented on stops appearing in your timeline. I saw it once, you don’t need to keep reminding me.

Lando and Chewie

You do realize the iron was a reference to the spoof film HardwareWars? I’m guessing you aren’t old enough to remember it. I suppose you’ll say that stuff doesn’t have a place in Star Wars, but I can point to ETs and the 2001 space pod in the prequels.

Pulsar also had the best ‘80s taillights.