
They need to perfect refueling while driving to really amp up the danger. 

OTOH, those cars came off the line looking like what people put deposits down on. There’s no way the pickup will be sold in its current form. It violates too many vehicle safety standards. So when people see what they’re really getting we may see some canceled deposits.

Postal vehicles don’t reverse. Ever. If they overshoot your house, you just don’t get the mail that day.

Now that the phrase “Stars War” has occurred to me I no longer wish to go on living

It just rubs me the wrong when when someone makes a baseless claim, then, when they get called out, they double down and set a up a bunch of straw man arguments.

You’re wrong saying he’s not an engineer. He has a degree, has real world experience as an engineer at an automotive supplier, and practices engineering

He has zero piratical knowledge.

I’m a mechanical engineer that works with drivetrains in a different industry. I watch many of Jason’s videos an find them to be generally accurate with good assumptions, particularly this one given the limited info that was released. He’s not doing vehicle design calcs, he’s breaking down high level concepts into

No joke - this sort of content is exactly what I love about Jalopnik. Some off the wall little thing 99% of people would never think about twice, like ones about the tiny arrows on the gas gauge or some weird concept car from 1973.

No I have agree with this one. It's a door. Use a mechanical handle if it doesn't work it's an easy fix. And people don't die when the battery dies. 

By brother drives a dually because he works construction and hauls heavy equipment. You know what else? He can park that bastard perfectly between the white lines in a parking lot. I was with him when he parked and we both mocked all the big SUVs and lifted bro-trucks who were taking up two spaces or out in the lane

People seemed to do okay with big trucks, station wagons, etc. “back in the day”. It’s people being inattentive, lazy lumps that leads to this.

I got here a little slate, but I have to marble at all the rock puns here.

It’s a pretty diorite situation.

Now, be gneiss.

Dumb schist.

Of all the igneodic things...

Sedimentary, my dear Watson. 

Porous excuse for driving.

Taking all that SUV size for granite. Drivers must have rocks for brains.