
Just FYI there are plenty of Android phones with stock (or almost entirely stock) software and no carrier BS.  Just get your parents a $200 Moto G6 and be done with it.

they’ll rely heavily on upscaling to render the 4K content on twice the number of pixels.”

Eh, I don’t see this as a fundamentals thing—if anything, running to an open spot for a spot-up jumper is a hell of a lot more of a fundamental James Naismith-y thing to do than zipping a bunch of showy touch passes back and forth at a sprint—so much as a stylistic one. Those classic fast-breaks are just fucking

You know what? I’m planning on doing the EXACT same thing, but mine will have a camper bed option, factory super swamper option, foldable front bench seats, a light bar, AND it will start at $5000 less.

I mean, it’s a hollow insult at this point, but if you wanted to illustrate “delicate special snowflakes”, who feel “victimized and triggered” by the existence of people who are completely ignoring them, and desperately want to create a “safe space” for themselves, I don’t think you could come up with a better example

Their attitude reminds me of this tweet:

enough said.

Jesus Christ...

If you actually look into this he states that he reached out to people to allow it to be put on their porch and he offered them money if there was activity. So the people that accepted got greedy and staged their part of it. Mark is no where at fault for the portion that was faked as he didnt even know it until he

plausible but not necessarily for millions of establishments and yes CC fees are insane for small businesses.

Tips. I’ve got a lot of friends in the service industry, and even if I’m paying by card, cash tips are always appreciated.

Have you ever seen it?

It appears after all these years they’ve finally snuffed the Rooster.

Obama vs. 45...

I did sucky

I heard it first from his brother, Oscar, but I just figured the guy was full of baloney.

He actually resigned several weeks ago, but he didn’t think he had to report it to the school.