
I thought the story was pretty fair & reasonable until I read the line: “....a man apparently unaware of the power his celebrity lends him in interactions.” I’m not sure if Tyson is guilty or innocent but mind-reading on the part of the writer is damning with faint damnation. If the AV Club wants to expand beyond

Why would there be a floor to the price of a financial instrument that has no utility? And requires a massive and expensive infrastructure just to exist?

I solved this problem with my wife with a bargain. I’d put the seat (and lid) down if she’d put the lid down. Worked.

There is a school of thought that the toilet lid should always be closed.

He was hanging.

I didn’t offer a bet.

Draft picks aren’t money in the bank. Look at Cleveland and their picks.

Not old enough or Minnesotan enough to remember Husker Du.

This is the states’ argument:

Do you like reading your watch upside down, or are you a contortionist who dislocate your shoulder to look at it the right way?

How about the principle of parking correctly and not getting tickets in the first place?

Maybe they were just two asexual dudes living together. Nothing wrong with that.

Miss Piggy isn’t part of Sesame street.

Charles; aren’t you now being a toxic fan by claiming ownership of something you don’t rightly own and ignoring what the creators say?

It’s arguably a bigger message if they aren’t gay. With the toxic masculinity today, is it not also important that two straight males can have and show affection for each other in a healthy way?

Are they anatomically accurate?

I didn’t have any other way to contextualize them.

Who cares?! They’re puppets!!!

The only correct answer:

pro tip:   buy a $100-$200 phone,  it’ll still do all the phones.   spend that sweet extra 400-800 dollars on a trip,  or something actual,  instead of giving it to a shitty company.