
I am a huge Star Wars fan.

You really want to compare fanbases now? Holy hell, man. It was wrong to make light of Aunese’s death but let’s talk about snowballs with size D batteries thrown at fans at games - bags of piss/shit thrown at fans at games - tires slashed in the parking lots - entire CU student section removed at NU/CU game - the list

Maybe some Burma Shave type signs along the roadside?

Wouldn’t matter, aside from closing it entirely which would likely be a massive hassle.

We have a train bridge like this in my city. It is on a road that has 10 signs before you get on it that say “No Commercial Traffic” and “No Trucks” and “Low Bridge”. Once on the road, there are signs every few hundred feet warning

What’s with all the Corvette bashing here? It’s almost like you people don’t like cars or something. This thing looks great, even with the wacko camo. Looks like a Ferrari, you say? Yeah, well dolphins look like sharks, too...and they both look cool.

On the one hand, this punishment seems a bit light. On the other hand, at least he didn’t let a couple of players get free tattoos. 

have you ever seen a sitcom before? bbt did not invent this.  friends, seinfeld, frasier, every sitcom ever uses it just as much as bbt.

It’s a half hour sitcom.  Sitcoms rarely portray anything close to reality.

At the risk of sounding entirely too get-off-my-lawn, how old are you? Because I’m old enough to have been a nerd when being a nerd meant getting the shit kicked out of you by the quarterback, and getting slammed into lockers, and thrown into trash cans, and being generally treated like crap until you took up martial

I’ve noticed that people have a problem when something is more popular than it has any right to be.

Had this show been floating around on TNT or whatever cable network, I don’t think its hatred would be so massive, but it’s been the highest rated show for years running, and achieved more in terms of success than shows

This sites hatred of this show borders on insane. It’s a fucking TV show. Get over it...

Meh. I’ll be the dissenting voice here and say I don’t mind The Big Bang Theory. My wife enjoys it and I find some of the comic book/sci-fi references it makes give me a chuckle even if my wife doesn’t get them without an explanation.

Celebrating the demise of a disliked tv show makes no sense at all. Let me introduce you to one of the greatest inventions of all time: the Off button.

When a football player takes a knee during the national anthem, all the meatheads get whipped up into a frenzy that they don’t respect the troops.

Bigger earpieces, please. His dad would want it that way.

With Net Neutrality down the crapper, it’s only going to get worse and worse.

It’s nothing but a distraction and takes attention away from the real heroes who coordinated the effort that actually saved the kids and coach. 

<Looks at comment, then glances at user name.>