Not Enough Broccolis!

For years my wife would do Relay For Life during days 2 and 3 of the draft. After helping her get setup I would make myself a dry-aged T-Bone Steak, a toasted Italian loaf and made-from-scratch mac and cheese with as many cheeses as I could possibly stuff in there (got to be a running gag). It was glorious. Also a

Come on man, it’s 2018, you’re not supposed to call evil out by it’s name. Proper civility requires you refer to him as a senior figure in a demonically positioned damnation-adjacent services bureau.

All the usual hypocrisies apply here. The Supervisor gets those extra days because of situations EXACTLY LIKE this one. The GOP is responsible for keep the “bad actor” who is in charge and is now demonizing her because things are not going their way. The same people who are shouting to “SHUT IT DOWN” would be claiming

I really think it depends on the item.  Sure a cookie is a cookie is a cookie but you will never convince me that off-brand ketchup is better than Heinz.  It’s the slowest ketchup in the west for a reason damnt! Nothing sucks more than opening off-brand stuff and getting that ketchup-water soup that comes flowing out

And it’s always by razor thin margins. He’s always juuuust slippery enough to slither in there. Then there he sits, an empty suit, a human twitter bot spewing out constant republican dogma.

I live in Florida and I cannot express how much I hate Scott.. His victory is truly some sort of karmic punishment for something I did in a past life. Perhaps I was Lex Luthor?

Ted Cruz winning sucks ass, but it was to be expected. The fact that Beto got so close makes me excited to think he might run. This opinion says it all:

Honestly, if someone had the forms printed for me and was willing to deal with the post office, I’d be much more inclined to vote”

The absolute NEED to pander in human misery to his base is really what disgusts me the most about this presidency. “This could hurt a lot of people! My supporters will love it!” It’s the only rhyme or reason to such a blatantly unconstitutional act like this. It’s a big reason I feel so personally offended when

All of this high-stakes judiciary activity REALLY highlights how grossly negligent the DNC has been. From day 1, when the Heritage Foundation starts grooming young impressive law students to one day sit on the bench, to the moment they are granted a lifetime appointment with an oath already in place to support

How someone can look their employee in the eye and say “I’m a devout Christian” and then tell them they are fired based on nothing but their disparaging judgment, without bursting into flames on the spot, is beyond me. I mean, Christ is in the name for fucksake. There’s nothing even remotely Christian in the act of jud

Thanks!  Was just wondering that

This is the good and proper thing to do to the confederate flag. That said, I doubt this action will sway anybody’s minds one way or the other. Anyone butt-hurt about it wasn’t going to vote for her anyway, you know, because black. Everyone else probably supports it or is neutral because, you know, not a racist piece

Gawker was my first website visit pretty much every day for years. Sooooooo many lost hours of productivity. My kids teeth will probably be all fucked up thanks to Gawker since I won’t be able to afford the braces, and I firmly believe that the ghost of that website wouldn’t have it any other way.

I definitely think trump himself believes that he will never be ruined. My mom is more hopeful that he/his family will be shunned by the rest of the world. I don’t think that’s going to happen. His fan-base is like a cult at this point. I doubt there’s anything trump can do that will fail to inspire their devotion. I

Very much this.  My mother seems to take solace in her opinion that the Trump name will be ruined because of his presidency.  I find this debateable, but I don’t think they give a shit.  They just want to make obscene amounts of money.

I’ll pass on the flu shot. Enjoy your day!

It’s about me.

Can’t the flu shot give me the flu?

Fuck Ted Cruz! Give O’Rourke all the monies!