Not Enough Broccolis!

Well, my original point was that I agree with the articles premise that dems did not care, at least the ones who are going to vote, and so it was a meaningless gesture to mollify trump supporters. If I were to instead assume that she needed to do it to pacify her own side then I see where you are coming from.

“This woman has something to hide...”

Every piece of messaging can’t just be about combating Trump...

I can only speak for myself but I want more. I want a single payer healthcare system. I think Splinter has made it clear that the writers here do as well. Warren is not for that and so shes not enough for me. I cannot speak for the writers here but I suspect it is the same. This article certainly supports my suspicion

I’m just being a realist. Ignoring that for fear of feeding a “narrative” does not make a lot of sense to me. Seems like you’re saying that to recognize a forthcoming argument by the right is enough to give it power.

While I am sure that she took satisfaction on a personal level from this exercise, the entire thing screams political maneuver.

Your assertion that trump and his base mean nothing is only correct if we can further assume that the fervor these parties can build up against a potential Warren candidacy is not effective at keeping nonvoters home once again and giving the same Dems reason to believe more bullshit. With facebook, twitter and the

What blog have you been reading all this time? Splinter has been decrying centrist dems and pushing for a far left wing candidate forever, Warren doesn’t appear to fit the bill and Clinton certainly doesnt. Maybe you don’t agree with the position but nevertheless all the shock and anger on this thread is disingenuous

For all the levels of fuckery that the Clinton’s engage in, they have given me one gift. It is now much easier for me to respond to the whole “WHAT ABOUT THE CLINTONS?!?!!1” stock argument with “I don’t fucking like them either.”

Warren seems to be operating under the theory that she must dispel this issue in order that trump can’t use it against her when she runs for President. That alone shows a gross misunderstanding of how this fight is going to go. trump dosen’t give a shit about the evidence and neither do his base. The slurs will only

I have a suspicion that this kind of thing has been going on for decades and is just becoming known in the digital age. Much like police brutality. Not particularly novel, I admit. But that said, this article seems to confirm that hypothesis, at least over the past time period cited, but I would guarantee it goes back

This is a good and correct article. My dad has early onset dementia and Eli gave him some great years before it got to this point. But he is done and the NFL runs hot and cold to the extreme. Who knows how it will go down but I would bet it won’t be pretty.


School did such a number on me I frequently wake up in a panic thinking I just missed a huge exam or did not go to class all semester. I’m 34 years old...

Long suffering Titans fan here. This is dumb as hell and also extremely in character for this team. They have become on of those teams that are constantly trying to do things the hard way in hopes of being the first to tell you “I told you so..” It never works but at least they seem to be happy with their, ultimately

Looks like “many such cases” was reborn out of trumps runny big mac shits into david here.

Well said. You beat me to it. Article is pretty much all explanation.

Close it up, he’s done

That’s where the “deep state” comes in.