If we are referencing southern vocabulary here I think I should point out that Sessions probably has little feeling about the insult “mentally retarded”. Now, if Trump were to call him “gifted” or “touched in the head” then it would be on like a magnolia bloom in June.
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Of fucking COURSE Jason Whitlock is in there defending his racist ass. That garbage mind and body of his didn’t build itself!
As I understand it, the bulk of the subsidization for Obamacare plans comes from additional taxes, not the payment into the insurance pool, for example the 3.8% net investment income tax on high earners. So what I am wondering is if it would be possible for Trump to claim that the subsidies taken from high earning…
I could see any number of directions this could go. For example, part of the green card process is the issuance of an SSN and work authorization. Additionally, LPRs are required to pay taxes, and, up until Trump got out his hacksaw, were required to have healthcare or pay a penalty.
Can’t say I didn’t try to save you that breath.
Counterpoint: It is exactly who we are.
Right? Fuck those guys and the backwards-ass horse they rode in on. Keep it going Cohen.
I went to UTC. I was not an Owens fan before this. I am now.
I am not surprised that he got another job. Winning games plasters over too many sins. The best I can hope for is that he fucking LEARNED something from all this. His public statements cast a long shadow over the possibility of that silver lining, but for the sake of the women that have the misfortune to be in…
I have a sneaking suspicion that “groceries” in Trump’s mind is a coded term for “hookers” and that the ones he hires tell him they need ID so they can overcharge his credit card.
Whoever it is will have some really big shoes to fill. It’s always hard replacing one of the greats. She’s like the Michelangelo of lying. Her mural will no dubt be painted on the ceiling of trump’s presidential library and chili dog carnival
GOP is not even trying at this point. Trump has taken shit so far into the insanity bubble that they can just flat out say what they believe and nobody bats an eye. They believe that things like healthcare, a living wage, and a safety net are only basic rights for the wealthy. The poor can get fucked.
“If lawyers controlled the world there would be no art.”
Dude! Where’s my Lineup? Lineup
He really brought it home with “Dollar Tree Tomi Lahren”
I will raise you this masterpiece