Not Enough Broccolis!

I’m well entrenched in his fanbase. Can verify. Proud of him and Jurrell Casey. Agree they can all get fucked.

I hail from TN and I am very proud to hear about Gasol today and Casey yesterday standing up for their fellow man and woman in the face of all the “keep politics out of sports” bullshit. Both of them will likely deal with way more than their share of baseless vitriol for their positions but I know there are people who

And here it is, the apex point where another slavish sociopathic “captain of industry” has all his bad shit dumped out for the world because he just HAD to have that hard R. Literally the only thing denied to him in all of the world. His precious.

My business partner, who is much older than I am (read raised in a different time as you will. You probably won’t get it wrong). Likes to say, “we’re in the boat, now let’s pull up the oars and get out of here” when closing cases favorable to our clients, the clear interpretation being, “we’ve gotten what we wanted,

I always enjoy your writing. The Police are White People’s Cousins, and this one are just two fine examples.

God I miss that man.

It just cannot be said enough that these people are just so fucking stupid. The whole administration is a complete act of idiocy from the little things (e.g. accidentally turning off the lights) to the bigly important things (e.g. throwing the USA under the bus while gargling Putin’s balls). If Obama had committed

Agreed, the failure to mention Zax sauce in the list of condiments is a godforesaken tragedy.  That shit is gold on everything

I would bet everything I have that he wants some sort of acclaim for calling himself a “trust fund kid”. Like he’s “woke” to his status and somehow humbled by it or something. But fuck the guy, he gets no points for that.

I have a serious problem with addiction. I am open and honest about it now but it took me seeing bottom before I was able to accept it. My intelligence coupled with the wisdom garnered through advanced age, the fact that I have a classically defined nuclear family that depends on me (spouse, kids, dogs) and the fact

I logged in just to say the same. A bit more argle bargle in this country and the failing NY Times would have nothing to write about.

My thought exactly. He’s clinging to the margins like a motherfucker.

For the offense of being Muslim, black and dying in a manner other than gunshot wound by cop. Also he probably burned down the White House

Face saving measure. Bet he will be back providing mediocre service to an NBA team as soon as the heat dies down.

Yesterday I got my 3 year old to pee standing up for the first time. He celebrated with us and then began to cry pretty much immediately thereafter. Turns out he had to poop and he was afraid he had to start doing it standing up for the rest of his life.

I cannot locate a single defender of him and I suspect that the (justified) rancor over his hiring, as you point out, is the culprit

I doubt he will go that far. Given his apparent status in the NBA he will probably turn up somewhere after the heat dies down. I agree it will be very difficult to give him a visible position of authority.

I don’t think Trump cares much about what Sessions think, heh, and I don’t credit him with thinking very far past the celebrity of it all. I suspect that Trump’s vocal defenders will hold this up as a token, “see he does care about black people” argument and that will be it.

I guess that’s one way to respond to a fucking Chicago cut.