
I mean, his followers are idiots. Why not cash in on it? 

“Room full of anus warmed sticks slide further into the void of loserdom”.

Next up... republican horses will win in a landslide. Seriously... goddamnit... can we just burn this shit-house to the ground already?

Oh hush and be happy we’re not destroying your government with a secret coup designed to rob you of your natural resources in the long-term, because we’ll do it! Keep it up!

Gabe... not your best work. This was exactly the call that needed to be made, not for lack of power, but for the fact that a fresh QB with a known cannon was just sitting there ready for this moment. 

They... they just look so happy. :’)

Dammit, dude. For a second there you had me thinking that Andrea Martin had passed away.

Your Mom is a bit slow.

Nice seat covers that don’t explain anything at all about the owner.

Now playing

This is like something Frank Reynolds would make someone do. “I got him to eat a shit sandwich!”

As someone who owns an All4 Countryman S, that’s a lot of extra hardware to fit under the car. The small 2-door models likely lack the space required for the driveshaft and rear axle linkages.

I’m a Verizon iPhone user and I tether all the time. It doesn’t cost a single dime extra. This isn’t 2010.

A multimillion dollar car and nobody could afford to do better than a 1080 30fps dash cam? Dafuq?

That thing is awful, but then again, so is the state fair. It’s an exercise in people watching more than anything.

Being from Indy, this video makes me super nostalgic. Just seeing the old infield stands and pagoda again. It’s crazy how much different it looks now. Thank you for sharing this.

Yes! Just found a photo of me and the front end. Probably around ‘91-92.

When I was 13-14 back in the mid-90's, my dad would let me drive his ‘86 GMC Jimmy 4x4 around the back country roads, he was a passenger of course. He loved that truck, even though he nearly died in a t-bone into telephone pole accident in it. It was the exact same package as the one pictured here with this style of

Forced country music at 35k ft should be considered an act of domestic terrorism. I’d probably try to flush myself down the toilet.
