
Fuck all of this nationalism. I will never stand or face a flag during a ceremony again until these asshole are out of office. It started being about police, but they’ve forced it to be turned into a protest against tyranny.

Jeffrey Lurie can go fuck himself up his fat fucking ass, along with any other owner who takes money from the military for rituals of nationalism to be carried out on their fields.

Well yeah.. if you’re starting with a completely rotted out piece of shit that’s been stripped. You didn’t really restore anything, you just replaced all that was missing... which was everything besides the unibody. That’s not what most average restorations consist of.

Sorry, but as a 19 year ‘69 Dodge Coronet owner, your figure of $45k material cost is complete bullshit. B-bodies are expensive to restore, but not THAT expensive.

How will they ever contain an explosion within a piece of iron and then convert it to stable rotary power? It can’t be done!

I remember when these first hit showrooms back in the 90's. My parents were at the local Honda dealer and my Dad was shopping a a new CRV and a used ‘96 300zx twin turbo, which he didn’t buy because they wouldn’t let him “run” the turbos. While he was having that argument I was scoping this beautiful new machine on

This is about 20 minutes from my house. I know of two Corvair Monzas and ‘63 Coupe within 2 miles. All in excellent shape. Maybe it’s time to go shopping.. :D

It appears to be more of an optical illusion cause by the telephoto lens.

My fucking tax dollars at work. God Damn the Federal Government.

And also, since when do officers who directly benefit from this kind of horse-shit get to have any kind of fucking opinion when discussion th legitimacy of such fuckery? Of course that bag of shit is going to defend it, he needs $15k worth of 30 billion lumen dumb fuck dick wagging lights on his cruiser. You know.. so

I usually prefer my engines have dual overhead hams.

I’m laughing my ass off... and I’m okay with that.

Shouldn’t these people be wearing ventilators?

It’s a C7 Corvette with an Audi S7 rear end.

Security, please escort this man from the premises. I can’t accept his freestyle form. I don’t care whether or not he has transit.

Can you provide a contour map of this location? It’s not a long drive, but a good weekend endeavour.

I happen to think my R60S is rather sexy.

Aren’t you original. How’s your “revenge binge” going? Poorly? Yup...

Kindly fuck yourself.