

A nice Christmas morning lube job. šŸ˜

Weā€™re sorry, sir, we canā€™t allow you to race with those two watermelons in your pa... oh... oh, wow.

Still the ugliest goddamn front facade ever design for any car ever. Period. Iā€™d rather drive a Fiat Multipla. At least it looked like that on purpose. Someone out there actually thinks theyā€™re designing something that looks good, and thatā€™s the most cruel part. Pure GM shit box.

I love these cars, always have and I always will. I remember seeing a brand new 30th anniversary WS6 at a local car club meeting when I was 16yo. It had just rolled off the showroom from the Pontiac dealership across the street. It was sexy. It was beautiful.

Iā€™d rather grab a mirror and look at my own asshole than look at the front of this car. What the hell....

I want to make sweet sweet love to that car. :)

Dammit, Iā€™ve obviously fallen asleep in front of my computer again and Iā€™m having a spectacular dream about dancing cars. Thatā€™s the only rational explanation because thereā€™s no way this shit is real.

Our plants were long gone before the bail out. Our last two closed in 2005.

My family has lived here for five generations. Four of those are still living. Iā€™m not going to abandon my history, my family and extended family to move to the asshole breeding lands down the highway. Thatā€™s what quitters do. I simply commute around 55 miles each way, my wife drives 30 each way, and we have extremelyā€¦

NO. My city lost over 25,000 GM jobs and when they closed 21 different plants. My city went from a projected population of 250k to barely 50k(and ever decreasing) with high unemployment and low high paying job availability. Fuck GM.

More power to China. How about we stay the hell off the shores of a giant sleeping bear? Just because they may occasionally poke doesnā€™t mean we EVER have to poke back. Iā€™m tired of my tax dollars going towards multi-trillion dollar international dick-wagging contests.

Well thatā€™s pure bullshit. Some people are just built to multitask thoughts better than others. I grew up with a mother who held a masters in music education. I started piano at the age of five and now play well over 10 instruments, some of which involve both hands and both feet playing back different beats all whileā€¦

FFS... I have a 2010 Mazda CX7 and I use the factory voice calling system on a daily basis and NEVER EVER have to correct anything. I touch one button on my wheel and it dials the number and confirms by telling me who it is dialing. Thatā€™s it and itā€™s flawless. This may be partly because Mazda has an amazing systemā€¦

Maybe Tim is on his way to fix it again? But seriously, I love everything about this beast. Itā€™s like flying a WWII fighter down the street. That SOUND!!!

Thereā€™s an old home in my city that everyone claims is a FLW home. Iā€™ve always though it was sorta Wright inspired, but lacked the ā€œtruenessā€ of a Wright designed home. Like someone was trying too hard to mimic Wright. Anywho, itā€™s not on any Wright registries and was at some point turned into a quad-plex. It doesā€¦

Iā€™ll stick with my 440. Thanks.

This story assumes that all people with money drive the latest of everything. Not trying to brag, but my wife and I do quite well. We also donā€™t believe in wasting money on new cars. We buy everything a few years used. I also collect extremely unsafe classic cars. Hence why Iā€™m on this site. The money weā€™ve saved andā€¦

Iā€™ll never understand these trucks. Clean straight lines from the back until you get past the doors. Then itā€™s just like a cartoon gone wrong. The lines in the headlights seem to have nothing to do with the rest of the front of the truck. Body and design lines just seem to start and stop at random. There isnā€™t anā€¦

I will never own a fully automated car. Not in my climate. As for summer months, I canā€™t wait until Iā€™m an old man and blowing peopleā€™s automatic doors off in my 440 Magnum ā€˜69 Coronet.