
From what I’ve read about the Victorian era, if they had found a way to power a car via kinky sex they would have probably been driving 80mph on highways long before flight was invented.

Wheeler Dealers has to be my favorite car show ever. Edd China doesn’t have to resort to BS story lines to pull off a great show. I also love how he shows all of the little details involved in what he’s doing. They don’t worry themselves with appealing to the lowest common denominator which is likely why it’s not more

Get out...

Finders keepers.

360p? Is this 2006?

Time to rent a tow truck, drive up to Detroit, and make a small fortune helping Camaro owners get back to their homes and hotels. I can’t believe they found a Dairy Queen parking lot big enough to host this entire event.

It’s really not that funny. The combined IQ of the fuck faces who won’t stop laughing like cartoon characters must be less then the occupancy of the vehicle.

Exactly the same here.

Exactly the same here.

Wow... not even sure how to respond to this. It’s not even fun to own a collection like this. It’s like owning a pure gold water heater. There doesn’t seem to be any real love or pride for these rides. They’re just there. How fucking boring can you be?

Can we, as a group of nerds, come together and get this guy a handful of 4k GoPros to mount to this machine?

I’d happily buy two and keep a steady supply of lotion and kleenex in my garage.

Shut your whore mouth.

That was the fastest 14 minutes and 31 seconds I’ve ever spent on YouTube. I need a coffee.

Get out. Get out now.

I. Love. This.

That is the dumbest fucking thing my eyes have ever watched.

Yeeeeah... noooo.

I've got a tear in my eye and a tingle in my pants. It's a good day to be alive.

That you, Mike Pence?

Love the subtle title of this story.