
Let's talk about how the updated Web interface is terrible! I'm not over that yet!

Thanks for the upfront warning.

Thanks for the upfront warning.

Here's hoping for an Android equivalent.

I, for one, am all for titles that aren't sensationalized.

I don't do freelance as my main income, but I agree with Mr. Mous right here. Maybe all these payment issues that freelancers complain about is because of things like this.

You're absolutely right. Not everyone who carries a bag needs to be featured either. It's a screwdriver kit in a bag.

Really? We're featuring a bag with a screwdriver kit and "Various flash drives and software"?
Next week, the brand new bag purchasers bag. A bag of silica and the receipt!

It's $10/month. Yes, people actually pay for it.

I think your math is a little off; you mean $9.99/month?

something something wise fool etc. etc.


It's the same as views on YouTube. They don't update for every single view/download.

Experience: 5 years of messing around with stockings among other things.

I have these. I love these. They're fantastic. End of discussion.

I have these. I love these. They're fantastic. End of discussion.

Connect to wifi, save playlist for offline play.

Someone say Kate Upton? I'm here for the Kate Upton... 3 orders, please.

And that's fine. In the end, it's all about what works for you. Notice though, using a wiki for a personal Trapper Keeper ™ is also more advanced than this article of "use MS Word to make a table".

Your father may be the target audience for this "pro-tip", but is your father the target audience for LifeHacker? That's my underlying point.

I think the reason people use those "fancy apps" is because they are fancy enough to be everywhere they're needed. Wunderlist, RTM, Evernote, etc are all accessible from everything and most have a really good interface.

Agreed on the Mint front. I don't use Linux much, but when I do it's Mint.