
With Lifehackers suggestion previously, I bought these about a year ago. Overall, I would give them a 7/10. With that said, the largest negative aspect would be the weight of the headphones. You notice you’re wearing these within the first hour or so.

Before these I had a pair of Sennheiser 555's. I now have 595's.

With Lifehackers suggestion previously, I bought these about a year ago. Overall, I would give them a 7/10. With

Sorry you feel that way. Some people prefer quality when purchasing headphones. Caring about something doesn’t mean you lost your senses.

Sorry you feel that way. Some people prefer quality when purchasing headphones. Caring about something doesn’t mean

Why can’t all developers just spend their lives making software for free? I really dislike when people try to earn money for their work.

Ya know, or you just like different music. Which is cool too.

I’ve done the same thing. Thankfully it was slightly up hill so the speed was minimal and the vehicle I collided with was a Jeep. It had a hitch and a hitch cover that up until I collided with it had been stuck at an angle and the driver couldn’t get to go all the way in. He thanked me and we went our separate ways.

I’m curious the difference between this and the super mega ultra battery saver options in my Galaxy S6.

or cookie dough in cookie dough ice cream... oh man, there’s never enough and certainly never too much.

Yes, people in corporate America everywhere still use it. Correct.

I think we’re starting to lose touch with the original definition of spam. I remember it used to mean unsolicited junk email. If a large amount of the emails could be turned off in the settings then you probably agreed to these emails, right?

I try this, then wind up writing more the second time around because I’ve thought out the issue even further by this point.


Agreed. Get it going. Picasa was the bees knees and his elbows in my opinion.

Well, using the vault is pointless. If you were going to purchase the app for that reason don’t bother. All your pictures and videos are still wide open in every other single app you use.

Sounds like my kind of Lent.

If you need to heat up your food, pick it up and stand up, and just go heat it up. If they follow you, they follow, but they likely won’t follow you all the way to the microwave, talk while you’re heating your food, and then follow you back while you sit and enjoy it

Okay, I missed the point but that’s a pretty terrible way to figure out what to wear, isn’t it?

Because Batman, Witch, and Princess are very original.

This(and the original post) is all great information I wish I thought of before I had started with my current client. I'm "new"(not time-wise, just in number of clients) to freelancing and I'm learning a lot of this the hard way.

Well that's not only offensive, but completely ridiculous. Seems like you're just trolling though.

Here's an idea. Talk about something you actually have interest in. I thought the majority of people learned after high school that you don't always have to fit in? Stop trying to fake the funk, just be real with yourself.