
Just because someone is expressing his opinion on a matter he automatically becomes a whiner? Great logic there, Gozer.

I’m sorry, but these headlines are really starting to put me off Gawker... I mean c’mon.

Missleading title. Should have said “Outlook.com Gets a...”

For a contract, especially one that requires some type of design services, ALWAYS include a limit, such as "includes up to 2 revisions" and when you send a revision, in big bold text say "this counts as a revision, and our contract includes one more. Further revisions will be at additional cost." Also, always include

Based on my consumption of pizza, my team would be me and one other person... or me and morning-cold-pizza-for-breakfast me.

I'm a PhD Economist and I hear people with the same training spouting this incoherent babble. It is a classic illustration of the sunk cost fallacy, except in reverse.

I don't think this is the point necessarily. Why not use something like Evernote with one big note where you have it organized like this? I actually already do something similar in Evernote and it works great.

I use a simple text system in SimpleNote on my iPhone and iPad and ResophNotes on Windows. Everything is always synched where I want it. It's lightning fast for searching and entering quick notes. It gets out of my way while I'm actually, you know, getting things done instead of fiddling with my productivity system.

I vote for cinnamon that came out of the Linux Mint project. After GNOME2 was cruelly taken away from us I drifted between a few but found a loving home in Cinnamon. So much so that I barely miss the top panel now. I'm sure I could add one but I'm happy not to.

Poor web design? That's so unusual for the government.

Need to know what's hogging all the space on your hard drive? This shows you graphically. Then you can decide whether to get rid of it or get another hard drive for more storage.

Agree entirely, but what kind of weirdo would link the weather and terrible war time events?

I love tiny old people. He's like a 70 year old man in a six year old's body.

You guys should add a brief discussion on the Terms of Use for each of these apps. Recommending an app that grabs the last year of your life, all of your contacts, all of your tasks; then uploads them to their servers for sharing with undisclosed "Third Parties" degrades the usefulness of Lifehacker.

I really need to build the ultimate computer desk. Not specifically flashy, but just ridiculously useful, built to last, and uses space wisely.

So more general, I would say furniture. Not basic "Build a bed by throwing pallets on the ground and laying a blanket on top" but more along the lines of "Here's our 6 part