I'm right there with ya, Aeron.
I'm right there with ya, Aeron.
Interesting that you feel that way. I had a 2006 Titan for years that was nothing but fantastic. Gas mileage was crap, but that's expected with a truck like that. The only thing I wasn't a fan of was the lack of updated electronics, but like I said, it was a 2006.
This is great. I've used it a lot over the years, but my usage has definitely increased once I got my solid state. I runWinDirStat about once a week to find all the things taking up my precious space.
I use Greenshot to achieve the same.
I.... I had no idea this existed. Thank you so much.
I've got a Nighthawk. It's absolutely amazing. I've been an ASUS fanboy for years, but have experienced nothing but issues with their routers. Tons of people swear by them and haven't had a single issue. Not the case for me.
I thought the U.S. was the whole world though?
I thought the U.S. was the whole world though?
I feel it depends on the industry you work in to accurately give you specific ways, but I feel a good general way is to have a small brainstorming session with the few people you always need information from. Bonus points if these people are often looking for information from you. That way you can admit your own fault…
- Team members provide information before being asked.
I'm sure nobody even briefly contemplated adding the word healthy to this post regarding any of these establishments though, Princess.
I'm very interested, but I feel like the amount of people who will find something is low. Am I wrong? Are there a lot of "secret warranties"?
I believe it implies all people lack the self-control that you inferred he lacks. He didn't imply he lacks it, you inferred that.
So I'm trying to get back into working out and eating healthier. This is telling me to just pig out on fast food and refuse to move from my desk, right? :)
I'm a lot different. Then again, who isn't? I despise small talk. I like talking to people about specific things. It doesn't have to be specific things that I'm interested in, but I just like to talk about actual things. Small talk drives me crazy. I don't care if we talk about mountain bikes even though I don't own…
My suggestion? Use Introvert Radar to find another one or two introverts and hang out on the outskirts of the gathering and talk about meaningful things instead of throwing pointless small talk back and forth with the filthy extroverts.
Unless I am, you are mistaken. 13.7mbps = 1.7125 MB/s.
BE careful, I accidentally wrote a book doing this.
Reverse lifehack lifehack. The good 'ol reverseroo lifehack. I like it.