Leave Me Alone

I’m a biochemistry professor. I guess what personally offends me is that I have worked hard all my life (52 years so far), I obey laws, I am objectively moral (I am faithful to my spouse of 25 years, I don’t lie, cheat, steal, etc.), I don’t give anyone a hard time about, say, their taste in music or movies (even if

My first thought on seeing Funbeak: “Holy shit! It’s Tom Turkey from Aqua Teen Hunger Force!”

Fish = Artificial, I assume

If there isn’t at least a rassinfrackin *easter egg* of Killface or his alien race, I will be profoundly disappointed.

Maybe if they smiled more.

Now playing

If you didn’t know you can actually watch a version of the pilot where Tina is Dan on youtube.

Seriously. This article spent way too much time on a guy WHO DOES HAVE A NAME and doesn’t even mention the most famous unnamed character in all of literature.

We never know Joan Fontaine’s character name in Rebecca. She’s just “the second Mrs. De Winter”.

So Bob Fosse was aiming at the lowest common denominator in his films? None of the classic MGM movies can hold their own with other studio system movies of the time? Making a film of Sweeney Todd (which, even if it ultimately doesn’t work for me as a film, is a stage musical that has never had massive long runs and no

Its very bland and pedestrian, which in some ways is a bigger sin than being an ambitious failure. None of the episodes besides “Rosa have really reached for the stars-and I dont think Rosa quite lived up to its ambitions.

The Ghost Monument, Arachnids in the UK, and this episode were quite subpar imo, and definitely below the baseline of what I want a series of Doctor Who to have.

I don’t want to keep being negative, but man, I wish Chibnall would let someone else write episodes. He just isn’t that great at it. Were 5 episodes in, and there hasn’t been a great episode yet (I liked Rosa a lot-didn’t love it). Not a great track record for a 10 episode series.

I somehow think it’s better for everyone (and healthier emotionally for him) if C.K. didn’t come groveling back in shame, because my instinct tells me that if he did he would just be getting off on it somehow. It’s now pretty obvious that the embarrassingly frank material in his act, about shamefully masturbating in

There’s a trick to watching 12 oz. Mouse. There are clues. And events and phrases that connect everything together to reveal a plot that, at surface-level, doesn’t appear to exist. And the big underlying joke beneath the whole thing is that maybe the plot DOESN’T exist (Or at least was never planned) and it’s all a

Well, the good news is that the Twin Delemma isn’t the worst post-regeneration story in the series any more.

I thought that was a barely serviceable premiere. It seemed more interested in introducing the new companions than the new Doctor. The plot’s story and tone were also terrible (too serious, literally too dark and incredibly boring).

That’s a huge stretch to think I’m staking any principle on thinking the Avclub’s endless wash of non-articles about things other people have written about more in depth elsewhere is a ridiculous and cynical offshoot of Gawker-lite bullshit. It’s not as if I’m the only one to have pointed this out numerous times

It already sounds like you made up your mind about her and about how women in politics are treated despite evidence to the contrary (e.g. the outsized hatred towards Nancy Pelosi (look how often she’s used as a boogeyman just by name compared to even her Harry Reid), Elizabeth Warren getting reprimanded for reading a

And here I find that if I’m looking at my phone playing Words with Friends while the show plays on my TV, the odd camera choices aren’t distracting at all.

It’s not all bleak. Shortly before he died Keaton retrospectives started popping up to big acclaim and he was invited to Cannes or one of the European festivals, where he was warmly welcomed.