Leave Me Alone

Remember when Obama had to take the man who called him Clean and Articulate as his VP to appease the party? That is definitely a healthy and not evil group of people.

No, liberals rejected The Clintons after one of the following:

For some reason they sometimes post reviews to the subdomain rather than the main domain like most TV reviews (most Bob’s reviews are on the main domain too, but this one isn’t for whatever reason). When they post to a subdomain they have to “share” the post to the front page, which is why sometimes

You are totally that guy.

I’d like to take a moment to remember all AVClubbers who were sacrificed to the gods of Kinja in 2017.

The most troublesome aspects of those celebrities who have come out to defend Hoffman, to me at least, is a theme that perhaps underlies the whole mess: Oliver was not granting enough deference to the “treasure” that is Hoffman.

Now, if they give us back the ability to block trolls and harassers, Kinja will become almost as good as Disqus, a system most people didn’t like but in hindsight is light-years better than this tire fire in the middle of an empty desert.

This is the thing that most ruined him for me. I didn’t like him to begin with, but this absolutely cemented it for me. He normalized Trump while ridiculing Hillary. When Hillary went on his show he played up the Russian propaganda about her being sick.

Yeah, thanks to Obama! Go, Obama!

Please google the legal definition of assault.

I think it would be perfectly fair if Al Franken said he would resign when President Trump resigned.

I’m concerned that once there’s a precedent that every Democratic senator/congressman/governor must immediately resign within days of any Twitter allegation, then there will be lots of allegations against lots of elected Democrats. And they won’t all be from blue-ish states with a deep bench of capable public servants

Sean — and I say this with an incredible amount of respect for you as a writer (one of my favorites on the internet), a journalist, and a person — this is legitimately clickbait bullshit. The mountain of qualifiers heaped in the second half of this article practically unwrites the first and proves that point. Except

He’s trying to undermine the press. He tells everyone that he is infallible and only his opinion matters. He acts without consulting advisers. He calls for violence against opponents. He wants to jail rivals.

Don’t you wish there was an option for “No, because I inexplicably still have the damn site bookmarked, and every time I get a notification that literally prevents me from reading the site I have bookmarked, I have more and more of an inclination to delete that bookmark”?

Or further, a way to actually notify a proper

Assuming the groping took place in New York, it was a “forcible touching” under New York penal code 130.52. That’s a Class A misdemeanor, which is subject to a fine of up to $1000 and up to a year of jail time.

Pendantry alert: depending on the jurisdiction, battery is unwanted touching, and assault is the threat of battery (such as “made you flinch!” type stuff, among other things).

That’s not true at all. You literally just made that up and posed it as fact. From Wikipedia: Sexual assault is a sexual act in which a person is coerced or physically forced to engage against their will, or non-consensual sexual touching of a person. 

“The festering capitalist tumor that is unchecked corporate consolidation.”

Don’t blame me! I voted for Kodos.