Leave Me Alone

There is no “claim” on the linked page. I checked twice. Nothing ever work the way you say it will. Clicking on “AV Club” only gets me back to the main page.

Sorry but criminal law professors go on about exactly this and I still remember.

Look up “assault” in common law, well before millennials existed. It is usually stated as “a threat of bodily harm coupled with an apparent, present ability to cause the harm.” “Battery” was the actual touching if it was not privileged ( e.g. within marriage) and was taken much more seriously then than now.

Either go to law school or shut up about the legal definition of assault. What you are talking about was “battery” in common law and was defined as “any unprivileged touching.” It never had to be violent. Different states define “assault” differently but it definitely doesn’t have to be “violent grope” whatever that

Or an evil Rick’s wife. I’ve been wondering what “evil” Morty’s plan is (I refuse to believe he is evil) but maybe it is to bring back Mrs. Sanchez because she can limit Rick in some way.

No, Firefox is where it does work, I think because you can set the whole browser to allow a site to automatically go to a second window.

Thanks, but I know about that. I immediately clicked the little “i” on the left side of the address bar and allowed popups. Did nothing. I also disabled kinjamprove. No help. Any further suggestions would be appreciated.

On Chrome, where I get my email so it’s where I click to open AVC, when I try to click a star it brings up a window to add another login method to my kinja account. Why? When I try to sign in by clicking the gray silhouette same thing. Again, WHY? I have to open up Firefox to use AVC and doesn’t have the benefit of

Nothing in these instructions is true. Where and how do I sign in to Disqus? Clicking the gray silhouette just brings up a sign in page where I click “sign in with Google” and NOTHING happens. I created a Kinja account before I read these instructions. Am I permanently screwed? Can I never import my Disqus comments?