
I’m probably never going to be one of those people who gets a nice settlement out of an airline for turbulence injuries or the like, unless I’m unlucky enough to be out of my seat or hit by a food cart at the time. I leave my seat belt on for just such an occasion. Besides, I wanna be like Major Kong riding the bomb

Something similar happened to Corran Horn, who nearly died as a result of his lightsaber failing him at a critical moment. It wasn’t carelessness, but fake crystals.

Lower Broadway isn’t even that “busy” anymore, at least not in terms of traffic at speed. It’s excruciatingly slow at most points, actually. I don’t see it doing a lot to “save lives,” at least not directly. Indirectly, certainly, as more green space only results in cleaner air, and for that matter, a cooler city

*eyeroll* Actually, this looks pretty lousy to begin with. Not impressive. Action? Sure, but not Star Trek.

It also seems like whatever the hell destroyed the Enterprise here was designed by whoever created drones in Stargate SG-1 (and Atlantis). Same fluid patterns, etc.

Well that’s a foolish argument. We know that people are trying to develop AI. The military, the finance sector, they’ll all be trying to develop their own AI with questionable morality programmed in from the beginning. Having the collective (benevolent?) geniuses of the world programming (benevolent?) AIs of their own

And this is where I say that prison rape is awful, and needs to be stopped. But so long as it isn’t being stopped, I am given the small measure of comfort that it will be happening to someone so deserving.

I don’t even think the cops will want to protect him in prison - the ones who have a sense of morality will be

I wouldn’t. Do you think that a group of women he raped are the only ones he ever had sex with? I suspect this bastard is a walking STD cesspool.

That’s fine, cause honestly you’re probably way better off with that than the usual urban issue of what happens when flood waters reach the sewage system, or in the case of Brooklyn, the Gowanus Canal.

At present, the Dark Side is winning. Telling, perhaps?

Paranoid, but indeed a well founded paranoia, and a very sad one.

Of course, it’s worth pointing out that many bottled water sources are also the sites of massive radon deposits, as well. I’m in New York where we are lucky to have what is consistently considered the cleanest water in the country, so I’ve never

Of course this is wrong. Everybody knows: “Headlights go up... headlights go down.”

But, like, aren’t we just going to fly F-35s like ALL THE TIME to justify their stupid acquisition and operating costs and have them do jobs they’re totally unqualified for in place of an asset that clearly does the job exceptionally well and for a tenth the price? I mean, isn’t that why we made them to do literally

I realize that this comment is crazy old, but it doesn’t matter, it’s worth the reply: You assholes have your shuttle: the Columbia. You don’t deserve another one.

It’s funny, because I called it Stargate: Galactica too, only not even as a tribute to the BSG reboot, more as a shameful nod towards it. BSG was the dramatic “I Love Lucy.”


Can you see this scene going obviously and horribly awry in five minutes? Good, cause that’s exactly what’s going to happen, exactly how you

In my case, it’s more like I am there for Thanksgiving anyway, I know the likelihood that I’m going to need to fix something, and I pack my USB utility keys, my laptop, and a small tool kit. In fact, the one time I went up to my great aunt’s house without it was naturally the time when their hard drive started dying.

Had a private client I did computer work for. I specialize in working with the proverbial “little old lady,” the ones who don’t know and don’t really want to know, they just want it to do the small handful of things they do with the computer like email and basic Googling. I’m really good at working with people like

This is hardly news to almost anyone who’s worked in IT, but I’ve had the proverbial “toilet phone” handed to me, or in this case, toilet Blackberry. Asshole executive who thought the world of himself, naturally, was talking on the phone at the fucking URINAL one day, and naturally dropped it into the urinal. Walks

Right, let’s do away with carriers and replace their costs with the cost of the F-35. That’s a brilliant plan.

DAMMIT! Chewie was in that walker!!!