
Crazy thought, but, ya know, why not try to actually either remove or sever the “band” itself and see if it doesn’t just heal or fizzle itself out?

Agreed, there were some good things that came out of this book, and for as much as you rail against it, the Dathomiri witches are actually somewhat interesting, and I do think the writer had a good handle on Luke’s character (something many people don’t these days, given their fan-wanking love babies producing that

I don’t know if I’d thank any gods so much as thanking yourself for having the intelligence to carry a backup chute.

Reading the story about the woman who wanted soup and the bad sprinkles, all I can think is: “Mom?”

Worth noting it was not a “flock” that bombed Port Stanley, it was only one, which successfully connected with just one bomb, but it was enough to prevent/scare the Argentinians from using the runway against the British invasion force.

Actually, it did change something. Grounding a full fleet of brand spankin’ new aircraft is most assuredly “changing something.” In a very big way, at that.

The batteries in the 787 are now contained in fireproof boxes, such that even if they fail and catch on fire, they burn themselves out without threatening the rest

You just really don’t understand how this works, do you?

The batteries are housed in independent fireproof boxes made to contain the failure from the cells within. This is the same idea employed by enthusiasts who work with a lot of lithium ion cells as well, such as RC aircraft and airsoft players. It’s simple and it

What they never wanted you to know was that shaking the hard drive around like that would absolutely kill it in no time flat. :P

Still, boy were they wrong. I much preferred a few other MP3 players that were of similar spec around that time, but the iPod eventually killed them all just by outselling them into oblivion.

It’s hard to hate someone who had such an awful life, regardless of how much it may have been his own fault.

Any more work on this car? I want... no, I NEED to see more work. :D

No, really, I think it’s well stated, actually.

And as both the Dodgers and the Mets know, what does it matter if you’re a baseball team in NY who isn’t the Yankees?

Finally, Kim Davis and I would agree - we’re all uncomfortable by having fake gay history shoved in our faces!

Death to the cistem!

“Ve are deeply sorry for manipulating our engine softvare, and for the Jewish slave labor thing, and vhile we’re at it, for the Y2K Bug, too. That car vas terrible. Even for us.”

Yeah, so, where’s the other 30 minutes of footage of the work, instead of the montage?

Problem is figuring it out too late.

Oh, Matt... Matt, dear... Ouch. Honey, I love you, but now it’s time for you to shush those beautiful lips, and let her speak for herself.

I really want to try to defend Matt. He’s a great guy, a wonderful advocate for a lot of important things in Hollywood, but just... Man. I sincerely hope though - and believe - that

Once again though, I have to point out that safety regulations that mandate that an airplane must be able to be evacuated in less than 90 seconds using only half of available emergency exits, and having precisely that happen does NOT constitute a “miracle.”

Your god wasn’t with you, lest we forget British Airtours Flt

Considering the nutjobs running for the Republican nomination, I’d sincerely prefer him over them. At least it’ll be completely hilarious. Not to mention, I think that North Korea and Iran would probably shut up, seeing as how he’s just as unstable as they are.

Look, folks, everyone knows that all SGU showed was that the worst evil was right here at home in ourselves. SG1 showed that all we ever needed was a few really bright, really geeky people, and a good sense of wit, and SGA showed that all we needed was Jewel Staite to bring the ratings back up. ;)