
Fisher Price redesigns Google.

Jobs was a vicious man, and it’s funny that you discuss the iPhone 4 prototype incident and the fact that Gibney also made a film about Scientology. Jobs and Scientology shared some ideals, particularly when it came to the “fair game” doctrine.

The sleuths of the Internet and outlandish claims? Sounds like Giz to me!

I’ve repaired virtually every iPhone at some point except the original, and the 6 (any version). Also repaired an iPad Mini 2, and a couple of Touches.

The biggest pain was by far the 5s, which I learned about the supposed “irreparable” nature of only after I was knee deep in the dead. Admittedly, the worse part of it

*cough* HTC One M9 *cough* 48 hours of battery life. *cough* (Without putting it into “limp mode.”

Granted, that was before I put a ton of apps on it that run constantly, and also started playing games on it that really hog the battery, but that said, just yesterday, I got home at roughly 10 PM, had played games my

Nobody ever hear of the Asus ZenFone 2? Crazy powerful flagship grade phone for $300 (or less on sale!), completely off contract.

“I took my 5 and 3 year olds to see a giant prototype battlebot, and was shocked to learn that it would be loud, possibly break or fail to function as intended, and that the little kids might be scared out of their minds at this concept.”

Drac kicks ass.

Or just read Hackaday and you’d know this like six months ago.

This guy is brilliant, and terrifying, but this is above and beyond. Just crazy.

Had it happen to me in Omaha when I was little. Thankfully BEFORE I sat down. ;)

Cops: White Guys at Stonewall

I dunno, the surgery didn’t hurt that much. :D

Now we know how many sick people it takes to fill the bowls in Blackburn, Lancashire.

Worst part? You can clearly see that she’s looking around and trying to see if she has approval from others.

You ain’t kidding. My response would’ve been “Oh, well, you’re out of warranty, but here’s this new phone you can buy,” and if that wasn’t good enough, too fucking bad.

Still, I now know that if I ever buy an Apple product and it ever fails, I can go into an Apple store, scream my fool head off, and get it replaced

I hate companies that reward you for being a rich white supreme asshole.

Don’t help someone like that. They’re not worth having as a customer, no matter what.

It’s “There is no Dana, there is only Zuul.” Jerk.

(Yes, I know, both are correct, depending on if you’re quoting Sigourney or Ivan.) :P

“You know where you got that shirt, and it wasn’t the men’s department.”