
My girlfriend thinks this way, she says she would rather not be in the car if it catches fire or something. So I constantly make fun of her for being safely ejected from the vehicle to land in the bale of hay that are conveniently placed everywhere. Needless to say she wears her seat belt all the time now, more so I

Amen brother! Something as thin as a cigar tube at that speed, even if slower with Turbo/Radial keep the effing seat belt on! It takes a sec to0 release but is worth it! I laughed so hard in the early 80's when we hit forest fire turbulence over Cranbrook BC in a 737. Seat belt light came on 1 minute before and an

“I would rather be thrown clear.” — many idiots

My friend’s uncle’s cousin’s girlfriend was killed by a seat belt.

If you don’t wear a seat-belt while riding in an aluminum tube traveling through the atmosphere at 550MPH, you are f’ing stupid.

You know who is (canonically!) a Hufflepuff? Deadpool. Yes, Deadpool. How lame can Hufflepuffs be if he is one of them?

Excuse me, Hufflepuff is near the kitchens.

I truly live in a bubble. I can’t imagine anyone I know saying that.

Holy shit. I have nothing more to contribute, just my total horror that someone would say and believe that.

My (inner) response to when my dad says, “If we can get Trump in the whitehouse,”:

This is such bullshit. I pointed this out to someone who is a “supporter”. Their response would have been funny had it not been chilling. She said “Well, in my day a woman knew her place. You don’t speak out against those who are wealthier because they are more powerful. This little girl (ACK!!!!) should be covering

This really is fucking disturbing. Donald Trump gives literally not one shit about a long list of American freedoms. One might argue that he actually kind of hates America. I am very sad to see how well he’s doing in the popular vote. What the hell, world.

If Trump becomes president, do you think the Secret Service’s job will be to protect the rest of us from him?

I know, I was thinking the same thing until I read that they’re honey bees. Unfortunately we need these little bastards to survive since they’re dying in great numbers around the world and we’re a little fucked without pollinators.

After years of the Air Force trouncing Navy Superhornets in mock combat, A navy prank finally gets even.

Chewy, but flavorful.

WOW. They are awfully brazen about it, aren’t they? Most of those don’t have any tweaks to the originals whatsoever. I can’t stand this entitled bullshit. “We’re a corporation bigger than these independent artists, we can do whatever we damn well please and hide behind expensive lawyers while we do it.”

Friend to me after reading this article: “And apparently I have to like Third Eye Blind now. This day is not going well.”