I truly live in a bubble. I can’t imagine anyone I know saying that.
I truly live in a bubble. I can’t imagine anyone I know saying that.
Holy shit. I have nothing more to contribute, just my total horror that someone would say and believe that.
This is such bullshit. I pointed this out to someone who is a “supporter”. Their response would have been funny had it not been chilling. She said “Well, in my day a woman knew her place. You don’t speak out against those who are wealthier because they are more powerful. This little girl (ACK!!!!) should be covering…
This really is fucking disturbing. Donald Trump gives literally not one shit about a long list of American freedoms. One might argue that he actually kind of hates America. I am very sad to see how well he’s doing in the popular vote. What the hell, world.
If Trump becomes president, do you think the Secret Service’s job will be to protect the rest of us from him?
WOW. They are awfully brazen about it, aren’t they? Most of those don’t have any tweaks to the originals whatsoever. I can’t stand this entitled bullshit. “We’re a corporation bigger than these independent artists, we can do whatever we damn well please and hide behind expensive lawyers while we do it.”
Friend to me after reading this article: “And apparently I have to like Third Eye Blind now. This day is not going well.”
Any time you can use a Life of Brian reference, you should.
Just go with it.
Yeah! Fuck Science!
This. Now THIS is some intelligent, high-level trolling.
Which is pathetic enough, except that his retorts seem to amount to “nuh uh, you are.” Most of us progressed beyond that around 4th grade.
And that Thomas’ wife is a Health Care lobbyist making huge profits on challenging the law. Or that Scalia and Thomas both were wined and dined by the Kochs during and after Citizens United.
That’s what pisses me off about all of this backlash. Scalia often went on Fox News and talked politics, and the right kept its mouth shut. And yet when Ginsburg calls Trump a faker after he tells her to resign (for saying that she’s nervous about his election), suddenly the New York Times editorial board finds the…
I honestly don’t know how he would have survived if had to go through all the criticism/attacks that Hillary went through these past 20+ years.
Trump is literally incapable of taking criticism. And I don’t use literally figurative, I use it literally. As far as I know there is not a single incident on record where someone criticized him and he responded with anything other than a personal insult in response.
Might want to remind people that Scalia never hesitated to express a political opinion. So there is precedent.
When someone eloquently shoots you down and the best you’ve got in response is that what they said was “very dumb” - I wouldn’t go implying that the other person’s mind is shot. Just saying.